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Forums - General Discussion - Hi Everybody

welcome, now get a wii.

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kitler53 said:
welcome, now get a wii.


wire me the cash and i will buy 1,


hurray more from the UKay!

I say Bonjour! to you.

TWRoO said:
hurray more from the UKay!

I say Bonjour! to you.

evenin' guvna'

Welcome! And don't let these Sony haters get you down, lol.

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It's not that I hate Sony, it's just that I hate everything that isn't Nintendo...

even myself...

:::cries in corner into shoulder of plush Mario:::

Welcome to VGChartz, the heroin of the intergooglez.

Favorite Companies: Nintendo, Blizzard, Valve.
Recent New Favorites: Grasshopper, Atlus. (R.I.P. Clover.)
Heroes/Homies: Shigeru Miyamoto, Gunpei Yokoi, Will Wright, Eric Chahi, Suda51, Brian Eno, David Bowie.
Haiku Group: Haiku Hell.
Nemeses: Snesboy, fkusumot. 
GameDaily Article that Interviewed Me: Console Defense Forces.

LMFAO @ all the negative PS3 posts, I never really saw it, but why the hell is mrstickball crying over the 360 getting bashed?
It's the PS3 that's getting it's ass severed here.

Oh and welcome!

Welcome, I guess

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."


Hi Everybody