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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why didn't they make Call of Duty 4 Wii???

If you want X game, buy Y system.

I don't question so much as to why they didn't put it on the Wii so much as why they put it on the DS instead.



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They should have put it on the psp..



And as every PSP fps it would suck ass. I mean seriously how can someone stand the PSP controls in an FPS? I tried with MoHH2 and i couldn't stand it for a minute.

They were making it for 2 years and missed the Wii boat and it was easier/cheaper to rush out a DS version instead.

They can still port the DS version to the Wii, ROFL

PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


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gamingdevil said:
And as every PSP fps it would suck ass. I mean seriously how can someone stand the PSP controls in an FPS? I tried with MoHH2 and i couldn't stand it for a minute.

I actually don't mind it at all, after 10 minutes of play it feels natural.

I would take a FPS on PSP way before a FPS on DS.

But, but, but... Is there a PS2 version?!


Cuzz if there is, they'd be rather stupid not porting it to the Wii... And yes, i know, ports aren't good!


be glad CoD 4 sux

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COD 3 didn't even have multi-player on the Wii version and they probably wonder why it didn't sell well. If it had multi-player support I probably would have purchased it. MOHH2 brings us that so how many FPS WWII games do we need on the wii?

Ok, those who love FPS probably can't get enough. Personally, I find them ok for multi-player, but don't need more than a few good multiplayer FPS games...

Some titles for the PS3 and 360 I wish were available on the wii, but this isn't one of them... Maybe if MOHH2 didn't exist I would care. (That said, I haven't purchased/played MOHH2 yet, so hope it's as good as I expect it to be).

The Wii is not the PS2, people. It's not going to get every fuckin' game. If you want more games, buy another console. It's that simple, really.