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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - So "Rock Band" was finally shipped for review ...

outlawauron said:
I just got it today! It amazing! I actually had fun singing. I was really surprised.

I might have to get a few singstars.

Songlist isn't all that great, but it's tons of fun.

Sweetness! I haven't set it all up yet ... I have tons of game reviews to finish, so I'll probably play it when I get home from work Wednesday or Thursday, since I work a halfday.

Overall, are you satisfied with your purchase? Which version did you get? I got the 360 version ...

Around the Network

I dunno. I still kind of expect it to be an overall flop. It's just too large and too expensive for the casual buyer, and that's who drives Guitar Hero and Rock Band sales.

Now is probably the best time for release of a game like this. THe genre is peaking. But it is just too much for most people. I know a guy with a big living room and his wife put the veto on it when he set it up.

Some stores might be selling out, but how many copies are they getting? 1,2,5...20. Guess it depends on how much extra space they have in the back.

Final* Word on Game Delays:

The game will not be any better or include more content then planned. Any commnets that say so are just PR hogwash to make you feel better for having to wait.

Delays are due to lack of proper resources, skill, or adequate planning by the developer.

Do be thankful that they have enough respect for you to delay the game and maintain its intended level of quality.

*naznatips is exempt

OMG its massive!

I don't think initial sales will be that big simply because most stores can't stock very many units.

Around the Network

Well ... I played it with my 4-year-old son on drums and me on vocals - and my wife did vocals while I was on the drums. It is sooooo much fun. GHIII is good for just one person, maybe two. However, when you have other folks to depend on to advance, man ... I was shooting both of them dirty looks while I was on vocals. If you do multiplayer and they are horrible, your game ends.

I think if I had the loot, I would buy this game. Seriously. It's serious fun.

I just played the game at my friends house today who got it. I enjoyed it a lot, I liked the drums because I am used to Guitar Hero and that was a change for once.

PC Gamer

Originally Posted in a similar thread created by me last night: (Madskills even posted in it) I guess since I'm not a reviewer my threads automatically suck.

My brother and I pitched in for the 360 version of Rockband. We waited in line at Walmart for an hour to get it and then spent the rest of the night playing it.

So far I, my impressions on the game have been glowing. We started out playing with a four member band (well actually three I sung songs while playing guitar) Then dropped the singing because it was hard to get the right pitch if you wer unfamiliar with the song.

The game does an excellent job of making you fell like you are in a band. Many unlockables related to tours, like transportation which lets you go to different areas, and roadies which allow you to play in larger arenas where more fans can see you play. The crux of the game seems to be getting fans and playing larger shows.

The gameplay was excellent and I prefer the Rock Band guitar to the Les Paul with GH3. The frets are inlaid so you can slide power chords along the fret without having to pick up your fingers this allows rapid movement.

The drums are pretty much just like playing real drims but still provide a challenge to real life drummers like my brother.

The best part about the game is the soundtrack, not only are there some pretty sweet licks on here but the game also has a much more fluid and higher quality sound than GH3.

Those worried about carry over tracks being pretty much the same except added drums and vocals need not worry, at least two songs on GH3 that are also on RB enhance the experience by adding more splits and bar chords.

Bottom Line, I think this is by far the best game in the rythmn genre out right now, and I suggest all fans of GH3 with the cash to spare pick it up and play the hell out of it.

Bought it today, left work early and played for 6.5 hours...

Love it. IMO, GH3 was fun, but it has officially been DETHRONED.

Rockband has a better quality guitar (by FAR), bass guitar, drums, microphone....Rockband has much better song selection...Rockband has better multi-player & single player is ALMOST on par with GH3...Rockband has wonderful graphics (which are important to me) and....Rockband has a TON of character customization & design....

Overall, wonderful game so far--truly impressed. May sell my GH3 now.

Well, I now only have access to a PS3 & 360...Plan on buying a wii soon (lol, if I can ever find one available!) but will probably wait until some of the major RPG's come out like Dragon Quest & Tales, etc.

Anyhow, I'm so far behind in games to play that I'm not in a huge hurry (lol, haven't even gotten a chance to finish God of War II yet!) 

If we get a 360 for my office, I'll consider getting this - definitely not a 1-player game :)


Coming next year from EA...

"Car Mechanics Garage" (move over GT!)

For just $50,000, you get a complete garage, with car parts, tools, ramps, a lift, diagnostic equipment and more. Download new cars (only $20k!), and have them delivered to your door.

Compete against players across the world, to see how can take an engine out, replace the valves - and replace it the fastest!

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