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Originally Posted in a similar thread created by me last night: (Madskills even posted in it) I guess since I'm not a reviewer my threads automatically suck.

My brother and I pitched in for the 360 version of Rockband. We waited in line at Walmart for an hour to get it and then spent the rest of the night playing it.

So far I, my impressions on the game have been glowing. We started out playing with a four member band (well actually three I sung songs while playing guitar) Then dropped the singing because it was hard to get the right pitch if you wer unfamiliar with the song.

The game does an excellent job of making you fell like you are in a band. Many unlockables related to tours, like transportation which lets you go to different areas, and roadies which allow you to play in larger arenas where more fans can see you play. The crux of the game seems to be getting fans and playing larger shows.

The gameplay was excellent and I prefer the Rock Band guitar to the Les Paul with GH3. The frets are inlaid so you can slide power chords along the fret without having to pick up your fingers this allows rapid movement.

The drums are pretty much just like playing real drims but still provide a challenge to real life drummers like my brother.

The best part about the game is the soundtrack, not only are there some pretty sweet licks on here but the game also has a much more fluid and higher quality sound than GH3.

Those worried about carry over tracks being pretty much the same except added drums and vocals need not worry, at least two songs on GH3 that are also on RB enhance the experience by adding more splits and bar chords.

Bottom Line, I think this is by far the best game in the rythmn genre out right now, and I suggest all fans of GH3 with the cash to spare pick it up and play the hell out of it.