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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - So "Rock Band" was finally shipped for review ...

I haven't finished setting it up, but it looks pretty cool. They even sent an extra guitar for the review as well.

My daughter said she wants to shred ...

The full kit with extra guitar ...

The back of the box ...

It was shipped in two different boxes ...

If anyone bought it today, please post here and let us know what you think thus far ...

A few interesting facts:

The drumsticks are REAL DRUMSTICKS
The guitar is one of the most difficult pieces to assemble
From unboxing it to full unwrapping everything? 45 minutes
You definitely - DEFINITELY need a lot of space to play this game
The mic is heavy - and made by Logitech - I am plugging it in to see if it works ...

I'll report back later ...

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yeah. that is pretty neat.

too many gadgets for my taste

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@ Super Chunk

It's a workout lugging that stuff around, even though it's for a video game. I wish you could use the other instruments for real and not just the game.

Another interesting note - you can use the mic on your PC ... if you have XP, it will show up as a Logitech USB mic ...

Are USB microphones for different games/consoles compatible? Like Singstar, Boogie etc?

Around the Network

yeah, that is just too much for a game. That is why I even have issues with buying guitar hero. I think I would enjoy, but damn.

btw, how old is your daughter. She looks about the same age as mine. 1.5yrs.

actually, now that i look again. yours is probably

stranne said:
Are USB microphones for different games/consoles compatible? Like Singstar, Boogie etc?

I can ask my Harmonix rep about that ...

@ Superchunk

She's just 10 months - going on 25. She thinks she's running things.

I definitely agree - it's a lot of game, and you really, really need the space for it. I am curious to see how well it is going to sell. I have heard reports about places selling out of it ... but a store will have to have tons of space to store these and display them.

Make sure you check out my review when it hits ... and thanks for your comments ... 

I just got it today! It amazing! I actually had fun singing. I was really surprised.

I might have to get a few singstars.

Songlist isn't all that great, but it's tons of fun.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Wow, that's a lot of stuff.

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.