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Forums - Website Topics - So does anybody else think that the hot topics section should be removed?

I see a double warning coming here.

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Oh, now this thread is uncomfortable.



Oooh OOoooh!!! I want color co-ordination!!!! I'd love to see the preeety colors :3

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

At least mrstickball has interesting articles.

On topic: It should stay.

Colors would be a great idea. Blue = Sony, Green = 360, Black = Wii, Crimson = PC and everything else Gray.

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gorgepir said:
It seems as if nobody is reading why I think it should be removed. Of course that is where I look first too, but the reasoning behind it is different

You're just saying that because no one has said yes yet.

I say no as well. Like my friend superchunk, this is the first place I look when I enter VGChartz to troll...I mean post my valuable insight. Like the following:


Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

ssj12 said:
Colors would be a great idea. Blue = Sony, Green = 360, Black = Wii, Crimson = PC and everything else Gray.

          Sony=Red, Wii=Blue.  It would match the default on the charts.

superchunk said:



Also: No, it should stay. There is no way you'll end the console warz because I have to click twice.


It would also kill the forum section. 

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.

I like the Hot Topics section... as someone who plans to own all 3 consoles i'd find it annoying having to naviagate all three seperately.

i like the color ideas but the hot topics should stay