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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Fragile (Namco's new Wii RPG) info!

naznatips said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
naznatips said:

but Fire Emblem is awesome! Anyway, although I hate the argument of "potential" you have to admit that there is a large selection of future RPGs on the Wii with just that. Shiren the Wanderer, ToS:KoR, Baten Kaitos 3, Monster Hunter 3, Oboro Muramasa, King's Story (I love the look of this one), FFCC:TCB, FFCC:tYKatPL, Opoona, Sword of Legendia, whatever the heck is comming from Camelot, Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon, and now Fracture.

Those are just the ones anounced and most are due next year. Obviously the Wii will be a much stronger RPG system than the GC was.

A lot of those are unproven IPs which is both good and bad. On the good side, it means that they'll be a little fresher than certain other RPGs we know. On the bad side, it means their quality is suspect; not necessarily bad, but unknown which makes it harder to get excited about them.

I think it's alright for now though as there are more than enough quality titles on the Wii (IMHO) to tide Wii owners over until some of the really good RPGs start hitting.

Well, as I said, I don't like the argument of "Potential" for that very reason.  Potential to be good also of course has potential to be very bad, but I figure if you have enough games with "potential" at least one has to pan out right? haha. 

More on topic, here is the scan the info was translated from

I really like the look.  The feel I'm getting from this game is a lot like Metroid.  A sort of "alone in the world" setting with lots of exploration and puzzle solving.  Anyone else getting that vibe from the screens and information we've gotten so far?  I hope it turns out to be true because I think that would be an awesome way to execute an RPG. 

Yeap, this one is gonna be great! C'mon, they made Baten Kaitos... It HAS to be good!...

Hoping it will be released outside Japan... Dunno for sure though!


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Soriku said:
Made by Eternal Sonata/Valkyrie Profile/Some Star Ocean team Nice.
tri-Crescendo. yes very nice, they always make amazing games. 


Looks good. Can't wait for the RPG's to finally come. And don't give me the Fire Emblem answer, cause we in Europe are still waiting on that one.

I had no idea tri-Crescendo was behind this. That info + the pics is getting me hyped...

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Ari_Gold said:
Soriku said:
Made by Eternal Sonata/Valkyrie Profile/Some Star Ocean team Nice.
tri-Crescendo. yes very nice, they always make amazing games. 


I don't think they are the Star Ocean team, isn't this Tri-Ace or something?

But tri-Crescendo developped Baten Kaitos together with Monolith... So I'm definitely looking forward to this!

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

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New fragile info:

It sounds awesome!

gamingdevil said:
New fragile info:

It sounds awesome!

This game feels more and more like an adventure game and less like an RPG. 

That magazine scan was impressive.


nintendo_fanboy said:
Ari_Gold said:
Soriku said:
Made by Eternal Sonata/Valkyrie Profile/Some Star Ocean team Nice.
tri-Crescendo. yes very nice, they always make amazing games. 


I don't think they are the Star Ocean team, isn't this Tri-Ace or something?

But tri-Crescendo developped Baten Kaitos together with Monolith... So I'm definitely looking forward to this!

You're right, they're not tri-Ace. However, they used to be and were the team that worked on sound design on tri-Ace's games before flourishing on their own, working on both Baten Kaitos games with Monolith before making Eternal Sonata themselves.



Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"