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Forums - Sony Discussion - FFXIII Staying PS3-exclusive it seems.

twesterm said:
Hmm, if they call VII an improvement from VI and then continued on with the VII style I really don't know how excited I can be for XIII improving from XII.

 Please keep your opinion to yourself ... I was never a big FF fan , and Im still not , but as with many others , FFVII made me to look into the serie , and I was pleasantly surprised actually ...

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celine -

I know Sword of Vermillion was a Sega property. I just wanted to say that and see how long it took for someone to catch on ;)

IMO though, it does sound like that other FF XIII's might be Multi-Plat....Merely because the developers were/are anticipating even the true-XIII's exclusivity.

I guess with Last Remnant being Multi-Platform, they might be realizing in some way, what the benefit of using UE3, and other engines and generic SDK's might do for a gaming budget....And realizing going that route might be very profitable should FFXIII not hit sales goals (isn't XIII's budget somewhere near $70m USD for everything in the XIII universe?)

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

14 more times?  Lol, it would take more than 140 times for some of these people to believe...but good news.  I'm glad they are designing the game around the ps3 hardware completely.  If they do port it later, who cares?  As long as the game is made to be the best it can be on the ps3--I'll be happy.

Well, I now only have access to a PS3 & 360...Plan on buying a wii soon (lol, if I can ever find one available!) but will probably wait until some of the major RPG's come out like Dragon Quest & Tales, etc.

Anyhow, I'm so far behind in games to play that I'm not in a huge hurry (lol, haven't even gotten a chance to finish God of War II yet!) 

My bones are tingling at the thought of an airship on a worldmap :3 (I know such a sad thing to hold on to)

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

mrstickball said:
celine -

I know Sword of Vermillion was a Sega property. I just wanted to say that and see how long it took for someone to catch on ;)

IMO though, it does sound like that other FF XIII's might be Multi-Plat....Merely because the developers were/are anticipating even the true-XIII's exclusivity.

I guess with Last Remnant being Multi-Platform, they might be realizing in some way, what the benefit of using UE3, and other engines and generic SDK's might do for a gaming budget....And realizing going that route might be very profitable should FFXIII not hit sales goals (isn't XIII's budget somewhere near $70m USD for everything in the XIII universe?)

 Yea, I hope last remnant turns out well :) I think it's cool that their using other engines and stuff, although I'm DYING to know what their latest White Engine can turn out :3 so far from what I've seen the game almost looks like its entirety is CG, god if that was true this thing is going to be the next graphical wonder of the console world as we know ><

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

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Funny thing is this will do nothing to kill the rumors, such is the sad state of the console wars.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

ckmlb, I thought the same thing.

It seems that no matter how many times someone can deny something (XIII, MGS4, ect), rumors come back and plague humanity.

Chronotrigger -
I really wonder too, what the White Engine can do. Is it scaleable (can it goto Wii? X360?) What exactly is the White Engine going to do? Are they going to sell the engine to others for an easy cheezy "Make your own RPG for $250,000 from uncle Square and aunt Enix", or what? To me, using White Engine, for all it's costed square, would be an absolute waste if it was just for 2 games (XIII and vs. XIII). I wonder what they'll do. Again, expecially with the comments of how the developers have been amazed at how good our Western-designed UE3 is.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

twesterm said:
Hmm, if they call VII an improvement from VI and then continued on with the VII style I really don't know how excited I can be for XIII improving from XII.

I'm sick and tired of the FF VI elitists, yes we get it, in your opinion FF went down the crapper after FF VI (Ironically most of the people I hear this from are Nintendo fans, crazy coincidence huh?). On another note by your statement's logic you should at least give FF XIII a chance since it's changing directions (or so they claim) from the last FF games which you apparently so dislike.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

mrstickball said:
ckmlb, I thought the same thing.

It seems that no matter how many times someone can deny something (XIII, MGS4, ect), rumors come back and plague humanity.

Chronotrigger -
I really wonder too, what the White Engine can do. Is it scaleable (can it goto Wii? X360?) What exactly is the White Engine going to do? Are they going to sell the engine to others for an easy cheezy "Make your own RPG for $250,000 from uncle Square and aunt Enix", or what? To me, using White Engine, for all it's costed square, would be an absolute waste if it was just for 2 games (XIII and vs. XIII). I wonder what they'll do. Again, expecially with the comments of how the developers have been amazed at how good our Western-designed UE3 is.

 Very true, I wonder if they will liscense it OR if their working on an easy way to generate CG movies as well? That would be pretty sweet if more company's could use their tech though, it's always been a pretty solid build. And yeah the UT3 engine is pretty damn sweet :D

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

@Mr Stickball: the White Engine is made for multiplatform use, so 360 games using it is very likely.

Also UE3 has been getting a lot of complaints lately (Silicon Knights, Midway, Koei...) so I dunno how good it really is doing.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!