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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sega claims PS3 to outsell Xbox 360, with the Wii in last place?

Girl Gamer Elite said:
Last Gen's prediction by Sega.

Dreamcast - 1st Place
Gamecube - 2nd Place
Xbox - 3rd Place
PS2 - 4th Place


 your back? umm... Sega wasnt expecting no one to buy the DC (just like Nintendo with the VB). Sadly Sega was on their last leg. DC FTW!!!!

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ssj12 said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
Last Gen's prediction by Sega.

Dreamcast - 1st Place
Gamecube - 2nd Place
Xbox - 3rd Place
PS2 - 4th Place


 your back? umm... Sega wasnt expecting no one to buy the DC (just like Nintendo with the VB). Sadly Sega was on their last leg. DC FTW!!!!

If you didn't know any better you would have thought I making was a joke and not stating an actual fact.

ssj12 said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
Last Gen's prediction by Sega.

Dreamcast - 1st Place
Gamecube - 2nd Place
Xbox - 3rd Place
PS2 - 4th Place


your back? umm... Sega wasnt expecting no one to buy the DC (just like Nintendo with the VB). Sadly Sega was on their last leg. DC FTW!!!!

First off Sega actually released the dreamcast 6 months prior to the PS2 hoping to gather support and take back some of the console market. They didn't design it going "oh lolz we'z gunna die let's make this just because we like to lose money" They designed it hoping the online setup and the games available would get them support so the PS2 couldn't get the entier market.  It was withdrawn in (I believe March  2001) in order to stop the money loss from manufacturing them liscinsing fees etc.  Wherein sega withdrew from the console market.


I think Sega has a reason for smearing NIntendo;

They're pissed that when they go under, Nintendo is going to buy their rights to Sonic and actually make it a good franchise again.

(Olympic Games and Smash Bros? Seriously think about it.)

FishyJoe said:

Sega is dying.


 It's because apparently they are on crack.

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I would actually be interested in seeing someone give a critical analysis of why the PS3 would finish ahead of the 360: I don't think that's likely now, but it's still possible. The PS3 has sold at about the same rate as the 360 did last year, has actually outsold it mightily in Japan, and may now be outselling it in Europe: one could take these points and put together a coherent argument in favor of the PS3.

But then I saw that this person actually thought the Wii would finish behind the 360 AND the PS3, and I realized he had no such insightful critical analysis to offer me. The Wii finishing in third place for the generation is off the table, folks.">">

to be honest I stopped listening to Sega when they claimed Mario and sonic would sell 4m copies.

Those people that think they're perfect give a bad reputation to us who are... 

"With the DS, it's fair to say that Nintendo stepped out of the technical race and went for a feature differentiation with the touch screen, but I fear that it won't have a lasting impact beyond that of a gimmick - so the long-lasting appeal of the platform is at peril as a direct result of that." - Phil Harrison, Sony