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ssj12 said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
Last Gen's prediction by Sega.

Dreamcast - 1st Place
Gamecube - 2nd Place
Xbox - 3rd Place
PS2 - 4th Place


your back? umm... Sega wasnt expecting no one to buy the DC (just like Nintendo with the VB). Sadly Sega was on their last leg. DC FTW!!!!

First off Sega actually released the dreamcast 6 months prior to the PS2 hoping to gather support and take back some of the console market. They didn't design it going "oh lolz we'z gunna die let's make this just because we like to lose money" They designed it hoping the online setup and the games available would get them support so the PS2 couldn't get the entier market.  It was withdrawn in (I believe March  2001) in order to stop the money loss from manufacturing them liscinsing fees etc.  Wherein sega withdrew from the console market.