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Forums - Sony Discussion - Gamespot Reviews Uncharted...

Gamestop has reviewed Uncharted:  Drakes fortune for the PS3 and the review score is....  8/10.  Is this in line with other ratings (8.5 +) or is this a really low for Uncharted;title;2&om_act=convert&om_clk=topslot

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And Mass Effect got 8.5 seems Gamespot have tproblem with reviewers.


Both scores are still very good especially if you read the reviews they offer tons of praise to both games. Read the reviews not just the scores.

I did read the reviews, I'm just worried about the gamerankings score. They were both praised, I was just amazed at how it managed a 8 when everywhere else was 8.5+

DMeisterJ said:
I did read the reviews, I'm just worried about the gamerankings score. They were both praised, I was just amazed at how it managed a 8 when everywhere else was 8.5+

 Don't worry about the gamerrankings scores.  Mass effect will end up around 92-93% regardless of gamespot and Uncharted will end up around 86-87%.  Both games were evenly underrated on gamespot in comparison to their gamerrankings scores.  

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%
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Common gamespot ... first you give a 7.9 to Motorstorm and now this ...

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

hunter_alien said:
Common gamespot ... first you give a 7.9 to Motorstorm and now this ...

 There's nothing wrong with a 7.9 when the gamerrankings score is 82.6%.  That's as close as you can expect a reviewer to get to the opinion of 70-100 other people before 90% of the reviews have even come out.

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%

How long before people start complaining that games only got a 10 rather than the 10++ they wanted the game to get?

^^^^ No complaints, just concerned with GS and how they underrate games lower than the average by a few points, that's all.

anything above 8 for me is an instant buy if i like the genre. I miss times when an 8 really meant an incredible game and was not seen as too low. It is not too low by any means. The last months just have been sad with everyone throwing around 9s and 10s. Good to see some "old school hardness".

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