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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Sony copies, we innovate." - Nintendo

twesterm said:
letsdance said:
Asriel said:
!!! Friday 19-May-2006 10:28 AM !!!

That's the date of the article. It's about the revelation of the Six Axis controller. Funny how it applies to a Sony controller announcement at GDC in 2010, which does show that whatever their innovations in consumer technology, in terms of controller technology in videogames, Sony have followed Nintendo's lead since the original PS pad. In all honesty though, people have followed Nintendo's lead in gaming since Nintendo entered the market. Sony just seem to have most directly imitated Nintendo on several occasions.

No it doesn't. Nintendo copied sonys motion. hate to break it to you but Sony was demoing this tech 6 years ago. Means its probably been in development for at least 8 years

Why can I not find a picture of someone in a power glove flipping off the camera!?

It's so bad

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This topic inspired me to register and make my first post on this site!  I want to claruify that Sony was NOT the first company to use CDs or disc based medai for game consoles.... the Turbographx 16/PC Engine, Sega CD, Amiga, 3DO, and Phillips CDi are among some others that did this over a half decade prior!  Also, dual analog is not Sony's innovation either... this was done in arcades for decades prior, as well as early consoles from the 70s.  Granted, Sony has improved and defined many of these technologies... I love my Sony systems... but Nintendo takes alot more risks and has changed the gaming landscape multiple times due to their innovations.  The only thing Nintendo has not innovated AT ALL in is ONLINE... but the 360 is by far the definitive online gaming experience... and online gaming was and is primarily a standard that was brought on by PC gaming.  I think alot of you are confusing Sony's technological expertise and stregnth with innovation.  I belive something is considered "innovative" if what is being done has never been done before.  What has Sony done that wasn't, in some fashion, done before?

SickleSigh said:
Twistedpixel said:
They're right.

Sony copied:

1. The basic design of the SNES controller.
2. Then added analogue stick and rumble.
3. Achievements from Microsoft.
4. Wiimote from Nintendo.

Their innovations are as follows:

1. Making the startling leap of logic that a cd player ought to also play music/DVD drive play movies.
2. That two analogue sticks are better than one.
3. More technology is better than less technology.
4. An aggressive business model of price cuts to drive market share.
5. Something called an Eyetoy but they failed to do anything with it nor see any potential.

Which proves everyone copys and immitates eachother? Nintendo are gutsy but look at their sales last 2 gens because they didn't want to use DVDs.  Xbox controller to me is a GC controller on crack. everyone copys everyone. Without Sony putting DVD players in the Ps2 do you really think home consoles would be as widely accepted as they are now? DVD player was just the start imo to make it ok to reintroduce other features like online, and multimedia systems xbox has now.

DVD made gaming bigger? Sony sold 100M PS1s and Nintendo sold 3x million N64s. There wasn't a significant increase in the number of gamers the generation after and only part of that increase would be due to anything DVD did. Nintendo increased the size of gaming, Sony just hopped on a trend at the right time.

Do you know what its like to live on the far side of Uranus?

jesus kung fu magic said:

Being the first to use dvd's is not innovation , its just logical progression because cartridges were becoming far too expensive to dvd's so of course dvds would be the new medium......even if sony wasnt going to be a part of last gen someone would be using dvd's.


Why did Nintendo stubbornly stick with Cartridges then?  I mean if it was such a 'logical' progression?  Innovation is innovation.  


I hope your not insinuating that sony revolutionized the online gaming scene........

Last time I checked,  Sony was the first console to release an actually successful internet model with their system. 


Whats wrong with using franchises from decades past? The ones Nintendo uses are iconic franchises , something sony has none of. What do you expect them to do have Link in space? Mario is BY FAR the best platformer , Legend of Zelda is BY FAR the greatest action adverture series , SSB is the best brawler game and Mario Kart is the best kart racing you expect them to just stop these franchises when they absolutely dominate their respective genres? It would be stupid of them to even think of something like that.


No.  We expect them to make a good, original game.  Not the same game re-skinned with a few extra characters and maps.  Every Zelda I have played since Ocarina of Time has felt like Ocarina of Time.    Every Mario since Mario 64 has felt like Mario 64.   As for all of those games being the 'best' in their categories?  All opinion.   

The last unique, innovative new form of game Nintendo came out with from one of their 'iconic' franchises was Metroid Prime.  Which now we can see the next 15 iterations of the game being identical to that.

Super Smash Brothers Wii was an absolute joke.  It looked like Super Smash Brothers Gamecube.    Mario Galaxy was a completely over hyped Mario 64 rip off. 


The best thing Sony has done since Day one in this industry is provide options, options, options.  Whether it's their wide array of game types or game styles or their visions of making the console even more then a game console.   This is something that Nintendo / Microsoft still to this day have yet to learn.  (Although Microsoft has in many ways understood this concept).    We don't need 15 iterations of Halo.  We don't need Mario 14.  You don't need a mascot.





"With Nintendo, I'm trying to think of anything we've copied... but I can't"

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

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Nintendo is to gaming just like Apple is smartphone.

Everyone look to them to take the risk first, they are the only two companies that knows their market and give them what they want.

Nintendo brought fun into gaming which the playstation killed
They are gaming and that's why others want to be like them.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
SidOfBee said:

This topic inspired me to register and make my first post on this site!  I want to claruify that Sony was NOT the first company to use CDs or disc based medai for game consoles.... the Turbographx 16/PC Engine, Sega CD, Amiga, 3DO, and Phillips CDi are among some others that did this over a half decade prior!  Also, dual analog is not Sony's innovation either... this was done in arcades for decades prior, as well as early consoles from the 70s.  Granted, Sony has improved and defined many of these technologies... I love my Sony systems... but Nintendo takes alot more risks and has changed the gaming landscape multiple times due to their innovations.  The only thing Nintendo has not innovated AT ALL in is ONLINE... but the 360 is by far the definitive online gaming experience... and online gaming was and is primarily a standard that was brought on by PC gaming.  I think alot of you are confusing Sony's technological expertise and stregnth with innovation.  I belive something is considered "innovative" if what is being done has never been done before.  What has Sony done that wasn't, in some fashion, done before?

Actually nintendo was toying with online way back in 1995 with the Satellaview, it was for the snes and only released in japan

Twistedpixel said:
SickleSigh said:
Twistedpixel said:
They're right.

Sony copied:

1. The basic design of the SNES controller.
2. Then added analogue stick and rumble.
3. Achievements from Microsoft.
4. Wiimote from Nintendo.

Their innovations are as follows:

1. Making the startling leap of logic that a cd player ought to also play music/DVD drive play movies.
2. That two analogue sticks are better than one.
3. More technology is better than less technology.
4. An aggressive business model of price cuts to drive market share.
5. Something called an Eyetoy but they failed to do anything with it nor see any potential.

Which proves everyone copys and immitates eachother? Nintendo are gutsy but look at their sales last 2 gens because they didn't want to use DVDs.  Xbox controller to me is a GC controller on crack. everyone copys everyone. Without Sony putting DVD players in the Ps2 do you really think home consoles would be as widely accepted as they are now? DVD player was just the start imo to make it ok to reintroduce other features like online, and multimedia systems xbox has now.

DVD made gaming bigger? Sony sold 100M PS1s and Nintendo sold 3x million N64s. There wasn't a significant increase in the number of gamers the generation after and only part of that increase would be due to anything DVD did. Nintendo increased the size of gaming, Sony just hopped on a trend at the right time.

but the Ps2 is what used dvds


You go, girlfriend.

letsdance said:
Twistedpixel said:

DVD made gaming bigger? Sony sold 100M PS1s and Nintendo sold 3x million N64s. There wasn't a significant increase in the number of gamers the generation after and only part of that increase would be due to anything DVD did. Nintendo increased the size of gaming, Sony just hopped on a trend at the right time.

but the Ps2 is what used dvds

DVD players also use DVDs, whats your point?

Do you know what its like to live on the far side of Uranus?