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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Mario Sunshine vs. Super Mario Galaxy: which game is better?

i enjoy all mario games :), i'm only 25 stars into mario galaxy, so far i like mario 64 more, but its pretty damn close.

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Shissy said:
In Alot of ways Galaxy is better than Sunshine. But the I loved the levels in Sunshine/64 so much better than Galaxy. Just because you could enter any level and pretty much get any star. But in Galaxy you enter a level and get the star you picked, rarely getting others. That's only what i've noticed so far.

That is not entirely true, for the major levels there are three seperate main stars, then the prankster comet star....which is either a race with cosmic Mario, a speed run of one of the fisrt three levels, or a daredevil part of one of the first three levels (only one bit of life to complete). Then there is the purple comet star (coin collecting, but seriously excellent coin collecting in some galaxys)...and finally a "hidden" star, which you have to find in one of the first three stars.

So generally yes, you enter a level with one star to get, except the hidden stars are branches off from one of those three.

Still, I really didn't care you couldn't go for which star you wanted because it going for the one star was still incredibly excellent.
The only thing i fear with Galaxy is it won't have much replay value after i have completed it with Luigi (46 stars so far) but then I only played SM64 twice and haven't been back to it since, but i still loved it.

so far sunshine>glaxy, but I feel it is too early to judge. Goota get all 241 stars first!

ckmlb said:
Not even close. Sunshine is the worse Mario game...

Because it's worse than Hotel Mario, Super Mario Bros. 2 U.S.A., Mario Bros., Mario's Time Machine, Mario Teaches Typing, Mario Picross... Right... You know it's not true. You know it.

leo-j said:
The worst mario was mario kart on the GBA.

Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. That was way too quick. You've got to warn me ahead of time before you pull something like that off. Hold on... Wait a few seconds... Ahem... Nope... It didn't happen. Sorry, that did not happen... Nope, that did not just happen. Sorry.

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ArtofAngels said:
I haven't played both, but I will pick up SMG tomorrow (If promised store can get them in!) SMG appeals to me more then that stupid water thing Mario flies around on to clean paint.

That's because all reviewers judge games before they play them...

konnichiwa said:
MARIO HOTEL GODDAMNED that one was the worst.

Come on. What would you rather play? Mario Hotel, or Mario's Early Years: Fun With Letters? Just watching the embarassing cut-scenes of Hotel Mario (not Mario Hotel) would be far more entertaining than clicking on brain-dead letter questions. People only chose Mario Hotel because it wasn't made by Nintendo. Sure, it's bad, but not as bad as you think. Those Mario learning games are far worse. I mean, at least you can laugh as the funny cut-scenes of Hotel Mario. In Mario's Early Years: Preschool, you would literally just get stick.

ckmlb said:
The worse Mario game, main series, not Mario Tennis or cooking or whatever else he's doing on the side.

I don't know... Super Mario Bros. 2 U.S.A., in my opinion, was far worse. I mean, it wasn't even a real Mario game. It was 10 times off course than Super Mario Sunshine. 10 times! At least Super Mario Sunshine is real.

How do you feel about Sunshine, Alex59? I think it's the best 3d platformer ever.

MikeB said:
I would rather have a comparison with Mario64 which was IMO considerably better than Sunshine.

No, it was not considerably better than Sunshine. It might be a little bit better, but not considerably.