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Shissy said:
In Alot of ways Galaxy is better than Sunshine. But the I loved the levels in Sunshine/64 so much better than Galaxy. Just because you could enter any level and pretty much get any star. But in Galaxy you enter a level and get the star you picked, rarely getting others. That's only what i've noticed so far.

That is not entirely true, for the major levels there are three seperate main stars, then the prankster comet star....which is either a race with cosmic Mario, a speed run of one of the fisrt three levels, or a daredevil part of one of the first three levels (only one bit of life to complete). Then there is the purple comet star (coin collecting, but seriously excellent coin collecting in some galaxys)...and finally a "hidden" star, which you have to find in one of the first three stars.

So generally yes, you enter a level with one star to get, except the hidden stars are branches off from one of those three.

Still, I really didn't care you couldn't go for which star you wanted because it going for the one star was still incredibly excellent.
The only thing i fear with Galaxy is it won't have much replay value after i have completed it with Luigi (46 stars so far) but then I only played SM64 twice and haven't been back to it since, but i still loved it.