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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is Japan no longer a factor in the sales war?

Oh no, of course Japan is not a factor... Just look at the sales. PS3 is gonna beat the X360 thanks to Japan. If that is not enough, is thanks to Japan that the Psp is still selling go...well, selling something.

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I'm pretty sure Japan is still the 2nd biggest factor behind the US. Or are other countries in Europe selling more now?

Nintendo still doomed?
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Japan's a major reason the PS3 tracks above the 360. Not only that, but Japan's handheld territory.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

Japan has more than 10% of PS3 and Wii user base. That's a significant market.


Anywhere that is still selling millions of consoles is worth selling them to.....

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Domicinator said:

Opinions anyone?  This is probably the understatement of the year, but the Japanese market seems to pull in only a fraction of the hardware sales that other parts of the world produce.  This is really surprising to me--it goes without saying that the Wii sells well, the 360 has proven that it will stand its ground against the competition, and we are finally having a legitimate "year of the PS3", so why aren't sales in general stronger in Japan?  They're not even buying that many Wiis!

The whole situation is leading me to believe that Japan is not a major player in the sales war anymore, and that troubles me.  I want Japanese influence to remain in video games and I want developers to cater to that audience so that I can play those games too.  I can see why they're not buying as many Wiis anymore, and it goes without saying that they're not going to buy that many 360s either.  What really surprises me is the lack of PS3 sales.  Even I am finding myself turning more and more of my gaming time over to the PS3 these days---the game library is now irresistable and if you don't want to play some of those PS3 exclusives that are coming out, you're simply in denial.

So what's going on in Japan?  Have they lost interest in gaming?  

It can not be that irresistable I still have no reason to want one.

have u checked the DS and PSP sales??? if so ull see that Japan is more interested in handhelds than consoles now




Japan will always be relevant, though they do need to do something to stop their declining population.

Japan helps keep the buffer between Wii and 360 as large as it is, and like others have said, Japan is the only thing keeping PSP going.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

better that they are there than not there i always say