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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Mass Effect and Halo hate

MikeB said:
I think expectations were really high. Halo 3 and Mass Effect were expected to push the XBox 360 hardware to its limits considering the amount of time the hardware has been on the market, their huge development budgets, it's easier to get the most out of the hardware (on the PS3 it takes more effort to move processes over to the SPEs to see huge gains) and these are 1st party exclusives for the platform so they don't need to make sacrifices to suit other platforms.

Halo 3 is being rendered in 640p and offering no AA (one of the EDRAM most talked about benefits) and Mass Effect has severe framerate issues:

Australian (PALGN) review: "The frame-rate drops constantly; if it was every now and then it might not be a big issue, but it’s frequent to say the least. Textures don’t always load properly either, and we experienced the game locking up on occasion for a few seconds at a time, which can be extremely frustrating, especially in combat."

Eurogamer: "Although it underpins the game with all sorts of excellent ideas that ought to make it a deeper, more intelligent and immersive experience, the simple truth is that the minute-to-minute combat simply isn't as intense and involving as you'd expect from a game in 2007. Throw in some grumbles about the somewhat unoptimised state of the frame-rate, texture pop-in and v-syncing terrors, and it's a game that just falls short of our expectations."

Mike, dont make me bring up Lair, or other games have have severe issues with the delaystation 3

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
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Lost tears of Kain said:
MikeB said:
I think expectations were really high. Halo 3 and Mass Effect were expected to push the XBox 360 hardware to its limits considering the amount of time the hardware has been on the market, their huge development budgets, it's easier to get the most out of the hardware (on the PS3 it takes more effort to move processes over to the SPEs to see huge gains) and these are 1st party exclusives for the platform so they don't need to make sacrifices to suit other platforms.

Halo 3 is being rendered in 640p and offering no AA (one of the EDRAM most talked about benefits) and Mass Effect has severe framerate issues:

Australian (PALGN) review: "The frame-rate drops constantly; if it was every now and then it might not be a big issue, but it’s frequent to say the least. Textures don’t always load properly either, and we experienced the game locking up on occasion for a few seconds at a time, which can be extremely frustrating, especially in combat."

Eurogamer: "Although it underpins the game with all sorts of excellent ideas that ought to make it a deeper, more intelligent and immersive experience, the simple truth is that the minute-to-minute combat simply isn't as intense and involving as you'd expect from a game in 2007. Throw in some grumbles about the somewhat unoptimised state of the frame-rate, texture pop-in and v-syncing terrors, and it's a game that just falls short of our expectations."

Mike, dont make me bring up Lair, or other games have have severe issues with the delaystation 3

I want to buy this "delaystation 3". Does it offer backwards compatibility for Delaystation one and two games? Does it have free online gaming?

Are you going to bring up Lair just because someone has a different opinion on a 360 game? Come on......


I'll bet my avatar and a 1 month ban that the PS3 by March 08 will be 3 Million units away in WW sales of the Wii. konnichiwa, Your gonna regret this!!!!!!

@ Lost tears of Kain

Mike, dont make me bring up Lair, or other games have have severe issues with the delaystation 3

You already did, I thought this thread was about Halo 3 and Mass Effect?

Surely people were dissapointed with the reviews of Lair, quite a few still bought the game and liked it, R&C TOD and Uncharted are actually well polished as well as taking the platform to new performance levels (and according to the developers they tapped only a minority of the Cell's potential, much more to come), but IMO that's off topic.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

360 is just such a great platform and the software sales speaks volumes here. I want to buy and play games for myself as well as for my rep and peer competition. I love to sign on and see a note from a colleague who just got more points than I on a given game, or they earned an achievement I was after, because I then get to send the same well intended rub back to them when I recapture the lead. :) The motion controllers are swell on the wii and the other platforms should have them soon enough, so it will come back to game quality and broader abilities which the 360 already has and PS3 is trying to develop as well. I'm sure in next generation Nintendo will make similiar efforts to round out their offerings which is a wonderful thing.

Supporting one concole vs. another is similiar to supporting one sports team over another. It's ego/pride/bravado, and generally all in good fun as we try and convince others how good we are based on the presumption that the console we picked must be the best one, and others should accept our superior viewpoint and fall in line. Diversity, free markets, and democracy are wonderful things.

Trying to put down other consoles is like picking on the kid on the playground who has a different colored shirt on. Get over it, grow up and buy/play the games.

Currently Playing: Mass Effect; Blue Dragon; PGR4; Nintendogs
Next Purchase: Scene It? Lights, Camera, Action; Viva Pinata Party Animals

Just because I don't care, doesn't mean I don't understand.

Can't we all just get along by buying games for both platforms - PC and 360.

Just because I don't care, doesn't mean I don't understand.

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Well the 360 would be a good console to pick up for me if the games I like on it didn't go on the PC.


I'll bet my avatar and a 1 month ban that the PS3 by March 08 will be 3 Million units away in WW sales of the Wii. konnichiwa, Your gonna regret this!!!!!!

hey stick, here's an idea:

not everyone finds the same games as you entertaining

so get off your high horse.

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

Halo Suck................ I think not....... I think you suck, what games for any other system have sold more in such a time? The answer is none you fags.... And wii sports is a bundle... Oh and I don't give a shit if you ban me cause you all are gay if you beleive other wise... As oppose to those who think Mass effect is a bad game.... Name a game from the wii, the ps3 or the psp/ds that has a better story and graphics...... If you still reading which your prob. are then the answer is none..... Fags...


the 360 will prob. be the best system in this gen of systems anyway..... just thought you should know that...............


Reborn...That was a little too much. Just try to be more civil.

omgwtfbbq - Exactly why are you attacking X360 owners in an X360 forum again? Do you have any real reason to be here, other than defending your consoles in another's manufacturer's forum?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.