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360 is just such a great platform and the software sales speaks volumes here. I want to buy and play games for myself as well as for my rep and peer competition. I love to sign on and see a note from a colleague who just got more points than I on a given game, or they earned an achievement I was after, because I then get to send the same well intended rub back to them when I recapture the lead. :) The motion controllers are swell on the wii and the other platforms should have them soon enough, so it will come back to game quality and broader abilities which the 360 already has and PS3 is trying to develop as well. I'm sure in next generation Nintendo will make similiar efforts to round out their offerings which is a wonderful thing.

Supporting one concole vs. another is similiar to supporting one sports team over another. It's ego/pride/bravado, and generally all in good fun as we try and convince others how good we are based on the presumption that the console we picked must be the best one, and others should accept our superior viewpoint and fall in line. Diversity, free markets, and democracy are wonderful things.

Trying to put down other consoles is like picking on the kid on the playground who has a different colored shirt on. Get over it, grow up and buy/play the games.

Currently Playing: Mass Effect; Blue Dragon; PGR4; Nintendogs
Next Purchase: Scene It? Lights, Camera, Action; Viva Pinata Party Animals

Just because I don't care, doesn't mean I don't understand.