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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Mass Effect and Halo hate

I'm somewhat new to gaming, but it just seems that in every website Mass Effect has got a good review. Yet most of the people that go to these sites seem to be looking for it to be a bad review, even though Bioware, and Bugie for that matter seem to have almost never put out a bad product, based on what I've seen on there track records. I know that just not liking a certain type of game based on opinion is a small part of it, but it just seem so clockwork.

Please discuss with me, What's with all the hate?!? If these posters were true gamers, why not be happy and get these good games. 

Please don't burn me (It's my first topic). 


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i think its more that these games get more hype than they deserve. If you look at all the hype that halo 3 got, it makes it seem like its gonna be a much much better game than it actually was (im nt saying it was bad, it is a good game, but if you look at all the hype....).

About Halo, I don't hate it but I am pretty sure that that game is overhyped.

About Mass effect, hmm no hate at all, On Gametrailers there is lot of hate on Mass effect review because the PS owners think it is very biased and I understand them.

passenger, this website is mainly sony and nintendo fanboys/supporters. few people on this website defend the 360, so the games get burned. a lot

xbox 360, ps2 are my consoles 

 end of generation predictions: wii 106 million Xbox 360 59 million PS3 57 million  


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Believe it or not, some people just don't like those games.


Currently playing: Civ 6

It's MS hate projected to anything associated with MS.

@ zap ya that too. i agree

xbox 360, ps2 are my consoles 

 end of generation predictions: wii 106 million Xbox 360 59 million PS3 57 million  


No wait, let me talk.

I may not be a 360 owner or notin but I have played halo.

Halo 3 is not a 9.5 game, they completely overhyped halo 3, the campaign is terrible and short. The online is ok. Tahts it, cod4 rapes halo 3 end of story.

As for mass effect its short.



Because people love to hate. "Hey look at me! I'm different, I hate something millions of people like! They're all idiots and I'm a Freaking genious! Look ,me, hey, look!!" Bah, its the same story with anything that allot people like. There's a group of people out there that want/need to be different for whatever reason and they make it a point to be as loud and obnoxious about it as possible. They believe this makes there argument more valid; plus its attention and apparently more is never enough.