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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 sales hit 3 million !!

Kwaad said: does anyone know how the stores are doing with PS3 stock in europe?
I'm pretty sure it's still in good stock everywhere, I hasve never seen anywhere short of it. On the other hand, I have never seen a Wii in store. I think this is due to good stock, because Amazon have had the PS3 at around number 1 for a month and a half.

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shams said: Yojimbo said: I still believe that PS3/Wii numbers are to high. The companies need to tell more official sales numbers and not shipped. No company actually knows "sales" figures - its not that they aren't releasing them, its simply that they don't know. There are thousands of retailers (and hundreds of thousands of stores) all over the world involved in the "sales" process - and they have various reasons for not wanting to disclose their sales figures. The only thing the console holders know are the shipment figures *to* these retailers. In a perfect world, these figures would do us nicely - but various retailers stockpile consoles for various reasons, and distort the actual sales figures. I still believe VGCharts to be the most accurate "guesstimate" of sales around.
Nintendo is, afaik, the only company that publicly releases these figures with some consistent degree of accuracy, backed by the NPD group. Shipped vs. sold is a whole different debate, as Sony was for awhile counting all PS3's manufactured off of the line.

"The things we touch have no permanence."

Kwaad said: yup. This site... who has insiders in basically every market in the industry... is WRONG. I'll stick with my info from this site. Either way, it's not a small margin Europe is ahead of Japan. At counting only the million+ worldwide sellers, Europe sells more software than japan.
Sorry, wrong again. B3D, IGN, & GAF have far more insiders than this forum, most here including ioi all hail from NeoGaf. As unreasonable as NeoGaf mods are with perma-bans for nothing seemingly at times.

"The things we touch have no permanence."

jstam said: Why is there such a large difference between this site and nexgenwars? How is the information collected differently between this site and theres?
they are retards... this place is not.

Munkeh said: Kwaad said: does anyone know how the stores are doing with PS3 stock in europe? I'm pretty sure it's still in good stock everywhere, I hasve never seen anywhere short of it. On the other hand, I have never seen a Wii in store. I think this is due to good stock, because Amazon have had the PS3 at around number 1 for a month and a half.
here in switzerland, there is still a good amount of ps3's in the stores, and i think the same can be expected for germany because switzerland and germany are normally quite similar.

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Munkeh said: Kwaad said: does anyone know how the stores are doing with PS3 stock in europe? I'm pretty sure it's still in good stock everywhere, I hasve never seen anywhere short of it. On the other hand, I have never seen a Wii in store. I think this is due to good stock, because Amazon have had the PS3 at around number 1 for a month and a half.
Sales matter and those are good right now. The wii could be due to not being able to make enough and the need to get them to the USA and Japan, that causes a problem.

Predicting the Future - 360 Will get to 11 Million in the USA this year!!

Predicting the Future - Wii will NOT win this gen in America!!

Prediciting the Future - The PS3 will pass the Wii by 2009!!

TheSource said: Looks like my prediction of 2.25-3.25 million PS3's sold through March 31 held up. I expect Sony to hit 8.7 million LTD by the end of the year. How many PS3's do you think have been shipped worldwide? I think they have shipped around 4.5 million.
I was looking for higher sales. I don't see the site reflecting what has been added in the US for March. I was thinking on the order of 3.8 million or so, I thought they'd sell out all the stock in Europe over the week from March 23-30. Anyway. 8.7 million sell thru would be great. That'll match the 360. I still think a price cut is in order at some point this year, likely when Microsoft price cuts.

Stromprophet said: I was thinking on the order of 3.8 million or so, I thought they'd sell out all the stock in Europe over the week from March 23-30.
They haven't in Sweden at least. At least some stock left, but they are selling. had 184 units I belive last friday now they are down to 147, so slow and steady?



Buy it and pray to the gods of Sigs: Naznatips!

robjoh said: Stromprophet said: I was thinking on the order of 3.8 million or so, I thought they'd sell out all the stock in Europe over the week from March 23-30. They haven't in Sweden at least. At least some stock left, but they are selling. had 184 units I belive last friday now they are down to 147, so slow and steady?
People dont care about those doomsday reports anymore. It is always the same thing. Why should people buy the console for 6499sek without anything, Media markt sold the console for 5600sek and Siba for 6490+Motorstorm+Blu-ray film. Atleast buy from Webhallen for 6199sek and get Blu-ray film and game magazines. Atleast we live in the same city


Yojimbo said: I still believe that PS3/Wii numbers are to high. The companies need to tell more official sales numbers and not shipped.
And 360 number are too low I suppose you think. How do you know? There's never been official confirmation the system crossed the 10 million sold mark. I actually think this site estimates pretty darn close to actual numbers. They're not what the companies have said to have shipped, they're estimated sales numbers factoring in estimates for North American sales for March.