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shams said: Yojimbo said: I still believe that PS3/Wii numbers are to high. The companies need to tell more official sales numbers and not shipped. No company actually knows "sales" figures - its not that they aren't releasing them, its simply that they don't know. There are thousands of retailers (and hundreds of thousands of stores) all over the world involved in the "sales" process - and they have various reasons for not wanting to disclose their sales figures. The only thing the console holders know are the shipment figures *to* these retailers. In a perfect world, these figures would do us nicely - but various retailers stockpile consoles for various reasons, and distort the actual sales figures. I still believe VGCharts to be the most accurate "guesstimate" of sales around.
Nintendo is, afaik, the only company that publicly releases these figures with some consistent degree of accuracy, backed by the NPD group. Shipped vs. sold is a whole different debate, as Sony was for awhile counting all PS3's manufactured off of the line.

"The things we touch have no permanence."