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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony halves fees for PlayStation 3 software development

 Well, that's a start. Now all they need is more engineers to make the tools better.

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That would make absolutely no difference considering how much it actually costs to make the game.

Now all they need is to sell some consoles to get a userbase worth making games for.

Doing this isnt going to get the a single big exclusive, all the major companies will have already bought a dev kit. They are looking purely at price to develop and the projected number of units sold and neither of those will favour the PS3 at all, the Wii will win the first one and the 360 the second while both will beat the PS3 at both.

Halving royalties would be a far larger and braver step for Sony, although I don't think they can afford to do that.

This is aimed towards more indy developers. Just about all the major third party developers have a PS3 dev kit. Sony is doing this so they can get more games on PSN from small time developers.

Well the more PSN games the better. Super Stardust HD still has me hooked. I'm slowly moving up the leaderboards, like some sort of devious score ninja :D

I wonder how the new PSN game 'Pain' will fare. I'm not too sure if it will really 'work'.


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Well this is not gonna attract indie developers at all when they have to sell a million copies of game to break even. All the indie devs will goto wii-ware and the best of these will then go on to wii games.
Sony should be paying people to get ps3 dev kits.


Sony is working hard with developers to make it faster and cheaper to make games. I know that for instance key developers like insomniac and Naughty dog are sharing their experience with Sony and other interested developers to make things more painless when developing games.

People forget that the ps2 was a pain to program games for.



Sony, please, hurry and release that PS9.

Galaki said "Sony, please, hurry and release that PS9."
Now that you've had you anti sony rant can I humbly request that you stay on topic and go troll somewhere else.



misteromar mk4 said:
Well this is not gonna attract indie developers at all when they have to sell a million copies of game to break even. All the indie devs will goto wii-ware and the best of these will then go on to wii games.
Sony should be paying people to get ps3 dev kits.

I don't know where you're pulling this from.

No indie team is going to have a large enough budget that they need to sell a million copies of a game to break even. The mere thought is ridiculous. These are small budget games and selling 100k copies is a resounding success.

PSN development != Retail development for PS3


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