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Forums - Sony Discussion - Assassin's Creed For PS3 Seeing Lock Ups

@ Words Of Wisdom

Yeah, those were the glory days. Now it is how much can the developer/publisher make on the game during the holiday season. These things haven't happened to me yet on the game but I'm only thirty minutes into it. I plan on selling it or taking it back after seeing all the videos on this, and being completly underwhelmed while playing the game

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Not a biggie , it will be probably resolved in the next fw. update :)

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

As long as they have it fixed by the time they release the PC version I will be happy =)

To Each Man, Responsibility
Nintendownsmii said:
I remember that bug in Dynasty Warriors 2. Good times. Who am I kidding new itterations STILL have this bug.

 Do you mean the fact that it was always foggy, because it's always "foggy" in Bejing

add me

i think the new firmware will fix this

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Andir said:
Great... Ubisoft didn't test the game before release, so now we get to hear more crap about cross platform games.

yeah alot of people make up crap,but hopefuly the new update really fixes it

Soriku said:
grimygunz said:
the 360 version has problems also. like the clone alter and walking through land. Its not just 1 version but them both. the 360 has doesn't have as bad frame rate problems.

X_X Hey Ubisoft, try working on more than the freaking graphics!

And it could've been a good better game too...


yeah if they worked harder it could of been a better game

Ari_Gold said:
good thing i own the 360 version

its not good for the ps3 owners that got this game early,but it will get fixed

grimygunz said:

the 360 version has problems also. like the clone alter and walking through land. Its not just 1 version but them both of them the game freezing is also one of the many problems with the game. the 360 has doesn't have as bad frame rate problems.

overall the game is just as buggy as it was back at E3

yep also the 360 version has some problems but some are different problems from each other

NJ5 said:

It's also the first game which proves that 2-legged horses can run:

The hero can also fly:

On topic: I also saw someone complaining about lockups in Portuguese forums.

Oh wait, just one more video:

Looks like the game might have been rushed for the holidays?


yep i think this game was sorta rushed,seeing as how it has alot of bugs