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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Crysis 2 : 360 first look and 360 screenshots.

ghaleon1980 said:
SpartanFX said:

Crytek: CryEngine 3 "will run slightly better" on PS3

there you go


Nice spin on that little tidbit of info buddy, I guess there's a reason why you didn't cut and paste it into the discussion.


He stated that the "engine optimizes itself to the power of the platform's intrinsics.  So the PS3 will lightly better here." 


This statement means nothing because:

1.)Noone knows if this "running slightly better" comment will actually translate into a better looking program/game.  He even states "it will probably look and feel the same." 

2.)Immediately after the comment the magazine/website said that he seemed "unsure of himself" when he made the comment, making the point even less relevant.

Mr.  Yerli was the one who made the comment.  He  is CEO and president of Crytek and therefore probably doesn't have that much to do with actual programming and the intrinsics of the code of an engine.

Anyway, can you people just appreciate that this game will look great (and virtually the same) on both Xbox and PS3?

I think noone is not saying that, At least I hope not the Game I think will be d@mn fantastic in thne graphic's department.

you may be suprised:

you do know his background is a Programmer himself.he was developing game's since he was 12 year's old. in the late 80's he was making game's simulation's on the C64 at 12 year's old

the first  crysis was a graphic's beast an I see this one will also, but I think what Yurli was mainly talking about is that Right now in development

they are all going to be pretty d@mn good, the slight running better is just that Slight that it would in most likely not even matter because the feeling of all three when playing the game will be the same.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

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selnor said:
aragod said:
How can these be from Xbox version when they are full HD? Is this game supposed to run in native 1080p which Xbox can't pull of?

They are bulletshots and most likely from either PC version or just renders (doesn't matter which engine, they won't run at this quality anyway).

Just so you know, the 360 can do native 1080p. It's up to the dev if they can do that with their engine. It's probably an upscaled image though. As Crytek have said it will probably be 720p on 360 and PS3.

So I take it this is no longer valid?

Was posted in 29. 8. 2009, so I'm not sure if there has been an update or not. Will gladly update my knowledge. Thanks!

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising

aragod said:
selnor said:
aragod said:
How can these be from Xbox version when they are full HD? Is this game supposed to run in native 1080p which Xbox can't pull of?

They are bulletshots and most likely from either PC version or just renders (doesn't matter which engine, they won't run at this quality anyway).

Just so you know, the 360 can do native 1080p. It's up to the dev if they can do that with their engine. It's probably an upscaled image though. As Crytek have said it will probably be 720p on 360 and PS3.

So I take it this is no longer valid?

Was posted in 29. 8. 2009, so I'm not sure if there has been an update or not. Will gladly update my knowledge. Thanks!

The guy is talking out his arse.

There is 6 360 games native 1920x1080.

PS3 also has less than 10 games 1920x1080 native I believe. Even GT5P is native 1280x1080.

Vitua Tennis 3 was out long before this video you posted was made.

selnor said:
aragod said:
selnor said:
aragod said:
How can these be from Xbox version when they are full HD? Is this game supposed to run in native 1080p which Xbox can't pull of?

They are bulletshots and most likely from either PC version or just renders (doesn't matter which engine, they won't run at this quality anyway).

Just so you know, the 360 can do native 1080p. It's up to the dev if they can do that with their engine. It's probably an upscaled image though. As Crytek have said it will probably be 720p on 360 and PS3.

So I take it this is no longer valid?

Was posted in 29. 8. 2009, so I'm not sure if there has been an update or not. Will gladly update my knowledge. Thanks!

The guy is talking out his arse.

There is 6 360 games native 1920x1080.

PS3 also has less than 10 games 1920x1080 native I believe. Even GT5P is native 1280x1080.

Vitua Tennis 3 was out long before this video you posted was made.

@Aragod: And aside from that, he's using the dashboard to view the pictures, which runs @ 720p. Maybe if he opened it in media center it would be 1080p. Bottom line, the X360 can output native 1080p period. His analogy is not wrong, but he makes some assumptions that are not true. 

As for Cevat Yerli and the whole CryEngine 3 discussion going on, he says both consoles have advantages and disadvantages at different times. Why is it that people try so hard to say one is more powerful than the other? Especially in the case of the PS3..?

Truth does not fear investigation

selnor said:
aragod said:
selnor said:
aragod said:
How can these be from Xbox version when they are full HD? Is this game supposed to run in native 1080p which Xbox can't pull of?

They are bulletshots and most likely from either PC version or just renders (doesn't matter which engine, they won't run at this quality anyway).

Just so you know, the 360 can do native 1080p. It's up to the dev if they can do that with their engine. It's probably an upscaled image though. As Crytek have said it will probably be 720p on 360 and PS3.

So I take it this is no longer valid?

Was posted in 29. 8. 2009, so I'm not sure if there has been an update or not. Will gladly update my knowledge. Thanks!

The guy is talking out his arse.

There is 6 360 games native 1920x1080.

PS3 also has less than 10 games 1920x1080 native I believe. Even GT5P is native 1280x1080.

Vitua Tennis 3 was out long before this video you posted was made.

your site that you point to XBOX360's number ogf game's also has one for the PS3 

an the Site list's the PS3's native resolution 1080p game's number  is at 26


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

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@jeorc: In a flash I saw two games that are not native 1080p and are still on that list. Those are, Ninja Gaiden and The Darkness. What makes  the list believable then? Plus, they include PS2 titles upscaled to (or well.. re-rendered at) 1080p. And current PS3 consoles can't even run PS2 games. I mean, come on. Though, what is it that were arguing about here? They both can do 1080p. Does it really matter which has more?

Truth does not fear investigation

NightAntilli said:

@jeorc: In a flash I saw two games that are not native 1080p and are still on that list. Those are, Ninja Gaiden and The Darkness. What makes the list believable then? Plus, they include PS2 titles upscaled to (or well.. re-rendered at) 1080p. Though, what is it that were arguing about here? They both can do 1080p. Does it really matter which has more?


I was pointing out that what the guy even says's on his web site that

Notes on both lists
- The native 1080p games list (the first list) is confirmed by multiple third party sources.
- All titles listed above have been checked as being 1080p compatible firsthand by the back of the game box and/or by owning/playing the game at 1080p resolution. System used: Xbox 360 Elite with HDMI on Samsung LCD 1080p TV.
- you can find a list of PS3 1080p games here. All titles listed there are native 1080p as there are no known titles for the PS3 that advertise 1080 support on the back of the game boxes and aren’t native 1080p.
- corrections or additions to the lists? Leave your comments here

List last updated Nov 22, 2008 10:01pm PST

- All titles have been checked as being 1080p compatible firsthand by the back of the game box and/or by owning/playing the game at 1080p resolution. Unlike what is happening on the Xbox 360 game boxes, Sony doesn’t advertise 1080p on the back of game boxes unless it is a truly native 1080p title. A good example of this is the game Warhawk where in the Playstation Store they say it scales “up to 1080p” not that it is native 1080p. The Xbox 360 list of games advertised on game boxes is longer, but there are a small few number of native 1080p titles on the Xbox 360.
- games denoted by [ps] are sold via the PlayStation Store
- corrections or additions to the list? Leave your comments here
- you can find a list of Xbox 360 1080p games here.


selnor used that same very site to point to native resolution game's for the xbox360 and I just used the same site for the PS3. both render HD that is for sure




100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

The cryengine 3 demo (x360 version) is better than those scans, so I don't know what you guys are expecting.

kowenicki said:
aragod said:
selnor said:
aragod said:
How can these be from Xbox version when they are full HD? Is this game supposed to run in native 1080p which Xbox can't pull of?

They are bulletshots and most likely from either PC version or just renders (doesn't matter which engine, they won't run at this quality anyway).

Just so you know, the 360 can do native 1080p. It's up to the dev if they can do that with their engine. It's probably an upscaled image though. As Crytek have said it will probably be 720p on 360 and PS3.

So I take it this is no longer valid?

Was posted in 29. 8. 2009, so I'm not sure if there has been an update or not. Will gladly update my knowledge. Thanks!

1. no surprise to learn that the guy with the fat head who likes the sound of his own voice and has masses of playstation material behind him is a fanboy...

2.  his "experiement" was flawed... it is a FACT that the 360 can do native 1080p.


yes and no it depend's on the model of xbox360!

If you do some  further testing you will find that the 1080p over component is a  signal but  it is a deinterlaced 1080i signal. an since  The 360 elite and other HDMI equipped xboxs will support 1080p 30hz,

not all XBOX360 can support a native 1080p

while the components will only do 1080i 24hz. When 1080p is select via component the frame rate is only 1080i/ 24hz. Also the HDMI 360s will support 50 and 60hz frame rate:


1080i is directly compatible with numerous CRT -based HDTV sets. 1080i is compatible with newer 720p- and 1080p-based televisions but must be deinterlaced first in order to be displayed on those sets.

the component it would not support 50 or 60hz but the HDMI systems would.

your not getting a true 1080p with component video.

that also depend's on what standard that is being applied as TRUE FULL HD or Not many places may have standard's on what is full HD an what is not

but it does not matter much even 1080i is still HD so it's not like it matter's much anyway



100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

selnor said:
aragod said:
How can these be from Xbox version when they are full HD? Is this game supposed to run in native 1080p which Xbox can't pull of?

They are bulletshots and most likely from either PC version or just renders (doesn't matter which engine, they won't run at this quality anyway).

Just so you know, the 360 can do native 1080p. It's up to the dev if they can do that with their engine. It's probably an upscaled image though. As Crytek have said it will probably be 720p on 360 and PS3.

Just so you know, it cannot do native 1080p

