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Forums - Sony Discussion - Thank you Israel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heh, Russia's loss confirmed our(Croatia) pass in the EC. It will be fun watching the game on wednesday, with absolutely no pressure on us, and huge pressure on England to get a point.


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Allez Les Bleus.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

stclam said:

Oh Shit, cant sack McClaren now!

McClaren deserved to lose!

 I'm not sure whether I want England to qualify, or for McClaren to be sacked

add me

@Ari_Gold... :D yeah i'm a stevie g fan, just didnt wanna irritate the england fans, lool...
And yeah i think belgium's young players are pretty good, and belgium should start putting them only... Kompany rocks!! but they have others. Anyways It aint over for russia, england have to win against a tough croatia side

Onyxmeth said:
Maybe we can salvage this thread and try to build a comparison between the Sony brand and Israel. Anyone?

There is a connection alright, according to this blog entry


No foreign sky protected me,
No stranger's wing shielded my face.
I stand as witness to the common lot,
survivor of that time, that place.

- From 'Requiem' by Anna Akhmatova

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Isreal is out?!... Whaha...! YES! England in?! EVEN BETTER!



And yeah, soccer (the real football) is bigger, coowler and better then AMERICAN football... ... Just bitchin about...


KillerMan said:
Fuck. I bet on that russia will win israel. It was so sure target that i thought today i am 6€ richer but not... and poland beat belgium. That makes even harder us finns to qualife to Euro 2008. We need to win portugal in porto. Not going to be easy. :/

Duuh Poland beat Belgium... Belgium is rip-off Netherlands... ... And isn't Poland's trainer/coach Dutch?! ...


I don`t think the England will qualify...there is too much pressure on England players, and we (Croatia) are coming to give them Hell...

Oj Hrvatska mati, nemoj tugovati....
Zovi, samo zovi i svi ce sokolovi, za te zivot dati!

Yup Polands coach is Leo Benhakker.

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there




Ari_Gold said:
leo-j said:
I am a namek !!!
im a saiyan?


are u able to transform to super saiyan?