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Have you ever noticed how many people bash Windows and so few people praise it and yet it is still far more popular than all other operating systems combined? Have you ever noticed how bands (like Nickelback) seem to be universally hated, and yet sell more albums and concert tickets than most bands could ever dream of?

A large portion of the hate towards the Wii, and of successful market leading products, is that its success comes without having features or traits that people believe should be important; and if these market leading products were less successful, and a product with values more in line with what these "haters" believe is important was competitive, the hate would be dramatically lower.


The odd thing is that (at this point in the generation) I am seeing more and more people who hate what the Wii (supposedly) represent completely change their beliefs to be in line with what the Wii represents. The HD consoles are now as outdated as the Wii was at launch and I constantly hear how there is no longer any need to push the technical limits of games; and with these companies releasing their own motion controllers I hear how important it is to try to improve how a game is controlled and not just how it looks.

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Firstly people who say Mario Kart Wii is just luck, either haven't played the game enough or just aren't very good at it.

Secondly I will never understand why people seem to think that having all hardware manufactures offering essentially the same product and experience is a good idea. By all means enjoy your system and games but don't try and tell other people they are wrong for liking something different.

its 2006 all over again.

Me and 2 of my friends had a great time playing wakeboarding in WSR for 3 hours straight.

Guess fun is a fad.

well this thread certainly took a turn for the worst. luckily i resisted bashing my head against a brick wall.


Hmm so Wii is a toy?



Take my love, take my land..

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All consoles are toys o_O; It's not like you require it to be alive, not like you can do any actual work on a non-dev kit version unless you are a game tester that gets paid like 10 bucks per hour. They are built as toys and they should stay that way. If I want the latest technology, advancements, something I can game, do side hobbies and do my work on, it's a PC.

The wii isn't a virus, its just doing so well because of its great importance in casual gaming, its really that effective.
I wouldn't call its popularity as something as vivid as a virus, that's just plain one-sided viewing


                                       That's Gordon Freeman in "Real-Life"


NSMBW is GOTY for me, but I understand that other people playing differenent consoles might think differently. Cant' everyone just play whatever they feel like playing?

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

well this is pretty obvious anyway...

"They will know heghan belongs to the helghast"

"England expects that everyman will do his duty"

"we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"


thank you for showing me the light now i can go home and throw away my toy :P

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(