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Have you ever noticed how many people bash Windows and so few people praise it and yet it is still far more popular than all other operating systems combined? Have you ever noticed how bands (like Nickelback) seem to be universally hated, and yet sell more albums and concert tickets than most bands could ever dream of?

A large portion of the hate towards the Wii, and of successful market leading products, is that its success comes without having features or traits that people believe should be important; and if these market leading products were less successful, and a product with values more in line with what these "haters" believe is important was competitive, the hate would be dramatically lower.


The odd thing is that (at this point in the generation) I am seeing more and more people who hate what the Wii (supposedly) represent completely change their beliefs to be in line with what the Wii represents. The HD consoles are now as outdated as the Wii was at launch and I constantly hear how there is no longer any need to push the technical limits of games; and with these companies releasing their own motion controllers I hear how important it is to try to improve how a game is controlled and not just how it looks.