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Forums - Gaming Discussion - anyone else notice that the top 3 in gamerankings are nintendo games

Not surprising, Nintendo is by far the best game developer ever.

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

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mancandy said:

Doom is Alpha my friend. Quake improved upon it. If you want to get technical, Wolf 3-D is Alpha.

Half Life would not be popular without Counter Strike. Counter Strike is one million times the game Half Life's the truth.

Edit: If you wish to witness gaming Doom. It is antiquated, but you will see where FPS began. If you have the patience, play Wolfenstien 3-D the birth of FPS.

 Actually, no, Wolf3D wasn't the first.

 It was another game by iD - Catacomb 3D, the game that directly spawned Wolf3D and the rest.


Interesting to note how none of the top three rated games are in the top three for game sales.


I really don't see how this is a surprise.

Sony = electronics
MS = computer software
Nintendo = GAMES

Sure there are some great 3rd party games out there but who would really put the extra effort into a game? Would EA have developers that devoted, there goal is to sell as many types to games to as many systems as possible. Even smaller 2nd party developers have a hard time making a top 10 game since they can't afford to spend that much time on a game. But Nintendo? You have developers and programmers working there for over two decades, they love the company, and they have an unlimited budget. Toss in Miyamoto and Koji Kondo and there passions and it's no wonder games like SMG are done right from the ground up and then polished to a mirror shine.

Say what you want about Nintendo, but you have to admit they have the best developers in the business.

and through vc and backward compatibility 5 of the top 10 can be played on wii

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Sadly the general public doesn't know how to appreciate the very best games, much like the movies that sell the most are usually crap. Nintendo fans thought so last gen, and this time I see lots of Sony fans agreeing. =P

Sony's into gaming to do two things. (1) Make money to support their bigger endeavors (such as research for new technologies). (2) Distribute greater amounts of Blu-Ray players and win the format war.

Microsoft is into gaming to do one thing. (1) Take sales away from Sony so they can't afford to support their bigger endeavors.

Nintendo is into gaming to do one thing. (1) Survive.

Now, when we take into consideration Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, we see that Nintendo's degree of motivation is the very foundation of everything - the most basic need. Meanwhile, Sony and Microsoft are motivated by the third and fourth tiers. As a result, Nintendo feels a greater sense of motivation to develop higher quality games, as they have a greater need to do so. Microsoft and Sony are motivated to do so as well, but if they do a crappy job, it's not the end of the world for them.


wow, I can't believe I pulled all that together in a way that made sense. I was really talking out of my ass and joking about the whole "hierarchy" thing at first but haha I guess it came together in a serious and logical way ahahaha.


I really don't think people should be surprised that Nintendo makes some of the best games ever created haha and that same opinion would show up in all reviewers.

Metroid Prime definitely deserves to be on there.

 Nice post thetonestarr.  Another one of Microsoft's motivations though is to take over your living room as well as every piece of electronics in your home.

thetonestarr said:
Sony's into gaming to do two things. (1) Make money to support their bigger endeavors (such as research for new technologies). (2) Distribute greater amounts of Blu-Ray players and win the format war.

Microsoft is into gaming to do one thing. (1) Take sales away from Sony so they can't afford to support their bigger endeavors.

Nintendo is into gaming to do one thing. (1) Survive.

Now, when we take into consideration Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, we see that Nintendo's degree of motivation is the very foundation of everything - the most basic need. Meanwhile, Sony and Microsoft are motivated by the third and fourth tiers. As a result, Nintendo feels a greater sense of motivation to develop higher quality games, as they have a greater need to do so. Microsoft and Sony are motivated to do so as well, but if they do a crappy job, it's not the end of the world for them.


wow, I can't believe I pulled all that together in a way that made sense. I was really talking out of my ass and joking about the whole "hierarchy" thing at first but haha I guess it came together in a serious and logical way ahahaha.

nice post i agree