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Forums - Gaming Discussion - anyone else notice that the top 3 in gamerankings are nintendo games

endurance said:
Legend11 said:
cAPSLOCK said:
Legend11 said:
I don't think you can just look at the total score of the game and say it's the best game ever, or the second best, or third best, etc... Do you think if you put Metroid Prime 3 in front of someone who hates shooters and is into MMORPG that they would say MP3 is "better" than WoW? What about someone who only likes sports game and hates rpgs, action/adventure, etc, do you think they would feel Zelda:OOT is better than the games they play? How many people not into fighters would rank Soul Calibur as the 4th best game of all time?

Anyways I guess it's good if those are the games in genres or a particular kind of game that you like then it's meaningful, but if not the rankings don't mean much. For someone not into Nintendo games at all the rankings of their games are likely meaningless.

Well, the joy of collective review sites is it's the average of the opinions of people who play different games day in and day out. Ideally, they don't go into games with an attitude "LOL NINTENDO SUCKS BABBY FAGGORTS LOLOLOLOLOLOL"

WoW basically took EQ's formula, removed some of the grind and a lot of the difficulty, and slapped a Warcraft skin on it. If you ask an MMO nut, like a guy who has played every single one that came along, the chances of them calling WoW the best are pretty slim. It's usually a toss up between EQ1 (grind and level) and UO (PvP).

There's lots and lots of greatest games of all time lists out there, even genre specific ones. 


As far as making a top 10 list, make one for yourself. My top 10 games of all time doesn't look anything like the metacritic ones, but no one would really use our lists as definitive since we're just a couple people talking about how much we love X or Y game. Even a collective list made by 1000 beer drinking frat boys or comic book geeks or anime freaks or D&D nerds isn't going to carry much weight. This is about the closest thing we have to an objective top 100 of all time list. 

As far as Soul Calibur deserving its title as #4, I don't know. I haven't played it so I can't speak on it, and if you haven't then neither can you.

Whether you personally like Nintendo or not is irrelevant to a list like this, or any definitive all time greats list.  They've been succeeding at it since the 80s for a reason. Nostalgia only carries a game so far (see Quake 4, DOOM 3, Sonic to see how far notagia carries a bad game) and after that it's time to say respect where respect is due. 

Most would argue as Yahtzee does, that Bioshock is basically System Shock 2 "dumbed down for the console tards" and shouldn't be higher than a 90 or 92. Or that Halo is just Quake 3 without the speed or skill required. Or that FF7 should be up there, or that it shouldn't because the Ultima series is better. Where's Grim Fandago? Where's Half Life 1? King's Quest? Gran Turismo? TIE Fighter?  

The video game industry wasn't born in the era of PS1/Xbox/360/PS2 and suddenly die because that era is gone. Console gamers calling themselves hardcore is a laughable joke to the Quake3/Counter Strike/Starcraft generation of yore (1996-2001), who complained that the upcoming consoles (PS1/2 Xbox/360) basically made everything stupid and easy and simple to appeal to a broader audience (heard this argument before?). 

If anything, seeing how few games of that generation are sitting on the top 10 list should tell you just how weak of an era it was.

I'm in the same position you were back in 2001/2002. My era was ending and here comes Halo "Quake 3 for n00bs LOLOLOLOL" "Baby's first FPS ROFL" to usher in a changing of the guard. I honestly didn't get back into Nintendo until 2 months before the Wii came out.

The simple fact that they've endured change after change and era after era in an industry where 3 years old is considered "ancient" is nothing short of fucking astounding. Whether you like them or not they excel in game design and polish. They may fall apart, but not this year.  Respect where repsect is due.  

You do realize the reason older games aren't on the list is because they don't have enough reviews right?  ;)

I'm willing to give respect where it's due but people claiming that X game is the best or 2nd best or whatever game of all time are full of it.  These are games from many different genres and to hold one game from one genre up and say it's the best game or second best or whatever game of all time when that statement includes all the games in all genres is pretty ridiculous. 


these arent the best games of all-time,there the best reviewed games of alltime

Read your first posting in this thread, it's basically what my postings were about.

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makingmusic476 said:
OoT should so be #1 still

 Agreed. Although SMG is indeed an absolutely fantastic game...


...with expansions like Master Quest, though, OoT has solidified its position as "perfect" imo. 


thetonestarr said:
makingmusic476 said:
OoT should so be #1 still

Agreed. Although SMG is indeed an absolutely fantastic game...


...with expansions like Master Quest, though, OoT has solidified its position as "perfect" imo.

I still haven't played Master Quest. :(

SMG definitely deserves #2 though. 

Legend11 said:
I don't think you can just look at the total score of the game and say it's the best game ever, or the second best, or third best, etc... Do you think if you put Metroid Prime 3 in front of someone who hates shooters and is into MMORPG that they would say MP3 is "better" than WoW? What about someone who only likes sports game and hates rpgs, action/adventure, etc, do you think they would feel Zelda:OOT is better than the games they play? How many people not into fighters would rank Soul Calibur as the 4th best game of all time?

Anyways I guess it's good if those are the games in genres or a particular kind of game that you like then it's meaningful, but if not the rankings don't mean much. For someone not into Nintendo games at all the rankings of their games are likely meaningless.

 I think the funniest thing about you is, though nintendo aren't your "thing" (saying that just judging from your post history), you seem to like to mention them a lot, or comment on a thread about them. Just the other day, there was a thread on how games don't utilize full hd resolutions on the hd systems, and somehow the Wii came out of your mouth. I won't call u a fanboy simply because u are much worse than that which is a hateboy, its really pathetic. You don’t have to like them my dear boy, but do respect them, they deserve at least that, due to the fact they have added so much to the gaming industry, and still are, same goes for Sony and to a lesser extent Microsoft.


Does SMG deserve to be up there, I would say personally for me it does, can’t recall the last time I was playing a game and smiling all the way through. Give it a try Legend, you might like it, maybe it may broaden your view on gaming a little more, so you could include some excellent titles from Nintendo , go on try it!!

I really don't understand how anyone can say "I don't like Nintendo games", as if Nintendo is a genre. They make so many great games in so many genres that no matter what type of games you like, there's a Nintendo game that you will enjoy. I think someone who says "I don't like Nintendo games" is just being closed minded and in reality saying "I don't like Mario".

On Topic: Personally, I think OOT is better than SMG. While SMG is a fantastic game, OOT was really something special when it came out, and deserves the "highest ranked game of all time".

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

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Legend11 said:

Anyways I guess it's good if those are the games in genres or a particular kind of game that you like then it's meaningful, but if not the rankings don't mean much. For someone not into Nintendo games at all the rankings of their games are likely meaningless.

 These are the people who are patting each other on the back and cheerleading the death of fun in videogames and not coincidentally will also be the ones asking what happened to videogames in about seven years. You heard it here first. Or maybe you've heard that before.

nofosu said:
Legend11 said:
I don't think you can just look at the total score of the game and say it's the best game ever, or the second best, or third best, etc... Do you think if you put Metroid Prime 3 in front of someone who hates shooters and is into MMORPG that they would say MP3 is "better" than WoW? What about someone who only likes sports game and hates rpgs, action/adventure, etc, do you think they would feel Zelda:OOT is better than the games they play? How many people not into fighters would rank Soul Calibur as the 4th best game of all time?

Anyways I guess it's good if those are the games in genres or a particular kind of game that you like then it's meaningful, but if not the rankings don't mean much. For someone not into Nintendo games at all the rankings of their games are likely meaningless.

 I think the funniest thing about you is, though nintendo aren't your "thing" (saying that just judging from your post history), you seem to like to mention them a lot, or comment on a thread about them. Just the other day, there was a thread on how games don't utilize full hd resolutions on the hd systems, and somehow the Wii came out of your mouth. I won't call u a fanboy simply because u are much worse than that which is a hateboy, its really pathetic. You don’t have to like them my dear boy, but do respect them, they deserve at least that, due to the fact they have added so much to the gaming industry, and still are, same goes for Sony and to a lesser extent Microsoft.

I'm not a hateboy, I have nothing against Nintendo, they're doing their own thing and that's cool.  I just take issue with some statements that are made or when someone takes one position when it comes to their system or games of choice then take the opposite position when it comes to the competition. 

The reason why you see me in arguments or accused of being a troll is that some people have preconceived notions of me as an Xbox fanboy so their knee-jerk reaction is to assume I'm attacking whenever I post in a thread about Nintendo or Sony or games on those systems.  If they only took the time to really read and think about what I've posted then most of the arguments and accusations would be avoided.


Spending hours degrading Nintendo/Wii because it's got a AAA title that may threaten your console choice? Your console, whatever it is, is just fine. Don't feel threatened so easily. Drop your insecurity already.

Gamers aren't born to support a certain console or company. If you see a good game that's not on your console, just drop by your friend's house and play the damn thing.

When it comes to a good game, it doesn't matter which platform it's on or who developed it. You don't want to miss it if you really are a gamer ... rather than a fanboy of opposing console.

It's not about console war. It's just about playing good games.

No, it's not going to stop  'Til you wise up
No, it's not going to stop  So just ... give up
- Aimee Mann

fkusumot said:
Legend11 said:

Anyways I guess it's good if those are the games in genres or a particular kind of game that you like then it's meaningful, but if not the rankings don't mean much. For someone not into Nintendo games at all the rankings of their games are likely meaningless.

These are the people who are patting each other on the back and cheerleading the death of fun in videogames and not coincidentally will also be the ones asking what happened to videogames in about seven years. You heard it here first. Or maybe you've heard that before.

 While Nintendo games aren't the only source of fun and entertainment in gaming, deciding that you just can't enjoy Nintendo games because they're Nintendo is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Sadly, I see it daily, a lot of gamers need to pull their heads out of their asses. Too many people only focus on what is next in their particular genre. For their platform. If you're a real gamer, you enjoy everything you can get your hands on/ Sure, you have favorites. But if you just negate anything anyone else says, just because it comes from a certain manufacturer, or it's a certain genre, then your opinion is about as worthless as my credit rating.

   All gamers should respect that there are titles out there that you probably haven't played, or even heard of. Not everyone gets a chance to buy everything. That being said, if you /can/ enjoy more than one platform, then by gods, you should. Pick up a new genre. Check out some RPG games, some strategy. Hell, I'm tempted to check out Guitar Hero, and I suck at rhythm games. Denying yourself the opportunity, when you can take it, to enjoy something new means you're fine with being saddled with what's available within one genre/platform, when you could be doing so much better.

My personal top 10 would be:


1) Starcraft / PC / 1998.

2) Super mario 64 / N64 / 1996.

3) Zelda: Oot / N64 / 1998.

4) Super Mario Galaxy / Wii / 2007.

5) James bond 007: Goldeneye/ N64 / 1998.

6) Zelda: Ww / GC / 2003. 

7) Metroid Prime / GC / 2003.

8) Zelda: Tp / GC & Wii / 2006.

9) Resident evil 4 / GC & Wii / 2006.

10) Metroid Prime 3 / Wii / 2006.