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Legend11 said:
I don't think you can just look at the total score of the game and say it's the best game ever, or the second best, or third best, etc... Do you think if you put Metroid Prime 3 in front of someone who hates shooters and is into MMORPG that they would say MP3 is "better" than WoW? What about someone who only likes sports game and hates rpgs, action/adventure, etc, do you think they would feel Zelda:OOT is better than the games they play? How many people not into fighters would rank Soul Calibur as the 4th best game of all time?

Anyways I guess it's good if those are the games in genres or a particular kind of game that you like then it's meaningful, but if not the rankings don't mean much. For someone not into Nintendo games at all the rankings of their games are likely meaningless.

 I think the funniest thing about you is, though nintendo aren't your "thing" (saying that just judging from your post history), you seem to like to mention them a lot, or comment on a thread about them. Just the other day, there was a thread on how games don't utilize full hd resolutions on the hd systems, and somehow the Wii came out of your mouth. I won't call u a fanboy simply because u are much worse than that which is a hateboy, its really pathetic. You don’t have to like them my dear boy, but do respect them, they deserve at least that, due to the fact they have added so much to the gaming industry, and still are, same goes for Sony and to a lesser extent Microsoft.


Does SMG deserve to be up there, I would say personally for me it does, can’t recall the last time I was playing a game and smiling all the way through. Give it a try Legend, you might like it, maybe it may broaden your view on gaming a little more, so you could include some excellent titles from Nintendo , go on try it!!