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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Woah! Buy a X360 between now & Dec 21st, get a copy of Halo 3 FREE!

ioi said:
Crap, how am I supposed to track these?!?!

good luck with that

also i think 2/5 of 360's sales would probably have been halo 3's sales

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Let's be clear now. You have to be an Original XBOX owner, and be upgrading to the XBOX 360. Also, you have to bring over your XBOX Live account to your 360 (You must already have XBL on your XBOX) and register at XBOX(dot)com. Then, your copy of Halo 3 will be mailed to you before January 18.

I don't feel like finding the link so google it if you think this isn't true.

[Update] - The site for registering for this is now down, and the bungie(dot)net link to the site is gone... Maybe Microsoft isn't doing it anymore?