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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Woah! Buy a X360 between now & Dec 21st, get a copy of Halo 3 FREE!

I guess this kind of validates the NPD numbers. MS must be seeing sales numbers that they don't like moving forward and thought they would need a boost.

This will help, but will only give a temporary bump.

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it's only for owners of the original XBoX who have a live account

This is only for ORIGINAL XBOX OWNERS who have pre-existing Xbox Live accounts. There, now you know.

Still a great deal, but my original Xbox Live account expired a while back and I don't have the money anyway.

naznatips said:

This is only for ORIGINAL XBOX OWNERS who have pre-existing Xbox Live accounts. There, now you know.

Still a great deal, but my original Xbox Live account expired a while back and I don't have the money anyway.

 Honestly now how many original xbox owners who had live accounts don't already have a 360 and halo 3? Chances are not that many. But of course only Microsoft would know so its easy to say they are pulling a massive PR stunt; knowing full well that very few people can take advantage of this offer.  

The sad thing is this could have been a deal that would make the 360 rival Wii sales for christmas in america but i guess someone figured they couldn't turn a Q4 profit if they let everyone have that deal.

Ah.... Sorry, when I hit the link yesterday it was done, none of the summary above quoted this bit.

SO: I have an original xbox. But I never signed up for Xbox Live. Can one still do so? Looks like I'll have to hurry.

When you convert over, will it give me credit to XboX Gold from XboX Live, or will I essentially be loosing what ever I pay for XboX live? (In which case forget it...).

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This is for kids like my brother and his friends who all play Halo 2 together.

Halo 2 is essentially the only thing that original Xbox Live players play anymore (there's probably a little more, but those people probably only play the other games SINCE they've got Halo 2).

I'm willing to wager that Microsoft is trying to pull the plug on original Xbox connectivity. They're trying to motivate original Xbox owners to buy a 360. Since pretty much everybody that still has an Xbox and plays Live is doing so for Halo 2, M$ does the motivating by giving them a copy of Halo 3 free.

It's a good idea, really. Saves Microsoft money when they get to discontinue connectivity to Xbox systems, and it gets 360s into these kids' hands, which empowers them to buy new games. Microsoft did pull the plug on supporting the original Xbox two years ago, after all. They're not making much money off these kids that still play Live on them.


I disagree with you there thetonestarr. I highly doubt there are that many that have not moved on to halo 3 and I see no reason Microsoft would want to pull the plug on Xbox connectivity as it connects exactly the same as a 360 would when running an old Xbox game. It cost Microsoft next to nothing to have an Xbox connect to a matchmaking server for all of 3 minutes. Though your last sentance rings true and I'm sure Microsoft is thinking if they are so happy with Halo 2 then offer them Halo 3 for free with the 360 and they're more likely to switch. But honestly if they are so content with Halo 2 and have not made the leap to 360 with Halo 3 being out then chances are they are not going to be very motivated to get many games other than Halo 3.

a friend got his 360 last night, but he couldn't wait for halo 3, he's been playing matchmaking all day

thetonestarr said:
This is for kids like my brother and his friends who all play Halo 2 together.

Halo 2 is essentially the only thing that original Xbox Live players play anymore (there's probably a little more, but those people probably only play the other games SINCE they've got Halo 2).

I'm willing to wager that Microsoft is trying to pull the plug on original Xbox connectivity. They're trying to motivate original Xbox owners to buy a 360. Since pretty much everybody that still has an Xbox and plays Live is doing so for Halo 2, M$ does the motivating by giving them a copy of Halo 3 free.

It's a good idea, really. Saves Microsoft money when they get to discontinue connectivity to Xbox systems, and it gets 360s into these kids' hands, which empowers them to buy new games. Microsoft did pull the plug on supporting the original Xbox two years ago, after all. They're not making much money off these kids that still play Live on them.

 Careful with broad generalizations.


The only game system in our house is my XBox.  I was NOT going to be an early adopter of either system, and frankly was waiting for the price to drop more than $30.00 (I'm targetting an Elite) before I pulled the trigger.  As MS continues to add value to a potential purchase for me (I'm still playing Forza on my Xbox now...), the closer I get to pulling the trigger...


Now I just need to know if what ever money I spend on XBOX Live will translate into XBOX Gold Membership.



great deal i might get a 360 and use this deal