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Forums - Sales Discussion - NPD: Analyst reaction (NPD not using Toys R US?)

Interesting. So now what ioi you think they undertrack the 360 and DS sales. But they actualy say that DS, PS2, and Wii sales are probably a little bit undertracked. This site undertracks Wii sales.

Oh its a mess. And people were thinking NPD lacked any proffesionalism when they go out and say things like this.

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ProfDallas said:
FishyJoe said:
Analysts have no code of ethics. They will say or do anything that advances their own agenda. And there is no system in place like Morningstar or S&P that will provide comprehensive ratings.

Again, that is because Morningstar and S&P are FINANCIAL "ratings" firms, not market research oriented.

You totally misunderstood what I was saying. I'm not equating analysts with Morningstar. I'm saying there is no Morningstar that rates the analysts. Without a rating system, it's difficult at best for the average person to figure out if an analyst is honest or a crook. 

There are several ratings systems in place including ratings by the Wall Street Journal, but again, these are for FINANCIAL analysts, not market research analysts, which would probably be what you are looking for if you're concerned with sales.  There are really no ratings for market research analysts you are correct, but if you are talking about this kind of analyst, then I can't understand why you would care about S&P or Morningstar.

Thanks to kenobi after I got him to ban my old account (dallas) after someone hacked into it and being ok with me coming back under a slightly different username.  I appreciate our communication in the PMs.  Also I want to give a big thank you to vgchartz for being one of the cooler websites around. 

Oh, and I'm still the next Michael Pachter

huh, interesting idea. ratings on analysts. hmm.

the Wii is an epidemic.

well that was the perfect post

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ioi said:
I'm not saying anything. I agree that the whole thing is really a bit of a mess and always has been. Nobody knows for definite and has all the data - a number of different organisations are arriving at slightly different data from different sources.

I will state it again - I am happy with our data. Having said that we are adding two new sources from next week so there may be a bit of reshuffling of data, but not significantly. I think the best thing is just to let each group believe what they want to believe and keep an open mind and put yourself somewhere in the middle of it all


awww... throw us a bone, ioi! we are such faithful VGChartz'ers here

the Wii is an epidemic.

Toys R Us sells mad Wii and DS games when they do the Buy 2 get 1 deals (the shelves were almost empty for those 2 sytems) and probably sell a butt load more of the other sytems stuff. Thats a BIG miss on the software side.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

Lingys said:

"awww... throw us a bone, ioi! we are such faithful VGChartz'ers here"


Yes we are. This badmouthing of the NPD gets to me, because they are pretty big within the sales tracking business and if we piss them off, we may burn some bridges with them.

After this recent business  of the NPD and their data being cut off, I suggested to ioi that he meet with them and see if he can pacify them. Mabey ioi could offer to advertise for the NPD or something but no, we have official moderators to talk smack to the NPD which is going to irritate them.

Thanks to kenobi after I got him to ban my old account (dallas) after someone hacked into it and being ok with me coming back under a slightly different username.  I appreciate our communication in the PMs.  Also I want to give a big thank you to vgchartz for being one of the cooler websites around. 

Oh, and I'm still the next Michael Pachter

Oh definetly perfect post ioi. Always coming out and making a "safe" post always is recognized as the best one.

What is this PR talk now. NO need for safe posts.

Oh well if you want to keep these numbers despite, being off well then I don't know if that's guts or stubborness. Otherwise nothing I can do to get you to change it.

But really I would love if you add those 3 Wii million sellers haha. I promise to shutup about the NPD thing if you add RE4: Wii Edition, BBA: Wii Degree, and Mario STrikers Charged, to the platinum sellers list, all which have bene confirmed at 1 million shipments or more.

Are you kidding me? Burn bridges? It's not like we are calling people sociopaths. Now that's burning bridges.