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Forums - General Discussion - I am sick of what going on with kids my age it just not safe anymore

konnichiwa said:
I only killed three people today, pretty safe today.

You really should control your aggression when you see people buying a Wii instead of a PS3!

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llewdebkram said:
konnichiwa said:
I only killed three people today, pretty safe today.

You really should control your aggression when you see people buying a Wii instead of a PS3!

 If they would do that I would kill them and their family because they have raised a stupid child like him...

Meh three I killed today said Okami is gay X_X.

I am a namek.


kopboi said:

I sick and tired of people saying black on black violents is not working. Violent all together is not working. So many kids my age are dying nowadays for what where they live that is so dumb. How can you take someone life because of that. I really feel it for the parents because they work day in day out just to keep on the lights at home for their children to fail in school and become some sort of drug dealer. Instead of a pointless war in iraq i think the goverment should pay attention to war on street because how many more children have to die before they do something. How many more mother must lose their child before they do something.

i just want to ask you guys if it the same where you live or was it the same in your childhood?

I totally agree.

You cannot make a serious complaint about modern society on a video game forum.

Things are still pretty good here (Melbourne, Australia) - although its definitely getting worse.

Two days ago, on the way home from work - I ran into a bunch of youths/jerks at the railway station.

They started by beating up a vending machine (wow, so tough!) - then they crossed the train line/rails to get on a train - just before the train arrived. They ended up on my train, loud and noxious - and got off at my station.

They were pushing each other around (about 10 of them), seeming drunk or wacked out of their minds - then one of them pushed another one into me (as I had just got off the train). I almost exploded.

Then as I was leaving the station (everyone was watching them), a yound asian girl ran for the train I just got off - and just missed it. One of the youths said (rather loudly) - "Hey she missed the train - lets point and laugh at her!" - then the entire bunch of them proceeded to do just that.

Oooow... I felt so mad. Wish I was in a position to do something about it.

I see the signs everywhere. One of my best friends is in a relationship with a girl (they are both around mid 30s) - and she has a son (to another man - they now have 2 kids together).

This son is just a ... real worry. Finishing year 10 at school, is failing everything - doesn't want to be there, is rude, has no respect - and is spoilt rotten.

He is now living at his fathers place, because he got sick of "not having unlimited internet access to play World of Warcraft". He eats with his mouth open, has an attention span of 2-3 minutes, no appreciation (and so on). It really worries me.

To counter that - we have a 15yr old (yr 10) homestay staying with us from Taiwan. Extremely well behaved, loves baseball, helps with the dishes, does his homework with no pushing - and actually has some motivation and purpose in life.

The contrast could not be more stark.

Son#1 was always spoilt - homestay#1 was never spoilt, and always worked hard from a young age.

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

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Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

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@shams, Those guys only know one language 'Your right fist on their nose'.

Laughing with an innocent asian girl how dare they X___X.

rocketpig said:
Fuzzmosis said:
Very weird tangent: This is why I hate rap. What started as a means to get a message out about the violence in communities for people who felt that they dind't have a voice has turned into a means to get messages about starting violences in communities. Certainly isn't the cause, but it's pretty sickening in my opinion.

Grand Master Flash FTW.

El Producto sort of strange, They say he stares at you long-range. Perhaps he's looking at us with his thousand-yard gaze, and he sees how MCs became contorted with their own lies and went from battle rap to gun talk, like we ain't notice the change.



Anyways, a lot of the old-school rap having to do with violence on the streets had more of a social consciense than modern rap does.  Even rappers like Biggie who spearheaded the gangsta rap money image had tracks like "Suicidal Thoughts" that really expressed something deeper than the killing people and selling drugs = money = good.  That sort of gets washed out with the media image of the genre and where the labels subsequently pushed it - took the substance without the soul.  You can still find it in underground groups like Cannibal Ox...

I am a super namek..but you can call me piccolo.



I live in North Las Vegas in the "ghetto" part of town. But I live on an Airforce Base so its safe.

Brawl FC: 4382-1668-1880

Animal Crossing City Folk

FC: 2492-8227-9090           Town: McAwesom          Name: Gary

Add me and send me a PM with your FC! central Pennsylvania its pretty good no gangs where i live and not a lot of violence either......its pretty calm, i kinda like it =]