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Forums - Sales Discussion - 5.6 million PS3 sold according to Sony

Just google it, look I found it!


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Nintendownsmii said:
Wait I thought Sony always releases sold to retailer numbers, have they changed their strategy for press releases?

Boy I hope so for Sony's sake, because of if it's just sold to retailers #:

leo-j said:

Just google it, look I found it!

 August 31st, 2007.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

leo-j said:

Just google it, look I found it!

Yeah, I remember that. I'd be careful when using the word "canceled" and I'd be careful to cite a blog (especially one that doesn't know how to spell “canceled”). The actual press release said there's no plans for the PC/360 version of the game right now. Citing a slightly more reliable source (but not by that much), the Gamespot article from the same day said: "A spokesperson said, 'The official statement on PC and Xbox 360 is that these platforms are not confirmed.'"

This official press release to me sounds suspiciously like PR speak for a timed exclusive. You'll see no mention of the word "canceled" in this press release, and really they never say it'll never come out in the future for another platform, as you can further see from the GS article: "The France-based publisher also noted that it was still leaving the door open in the future for "new partnerships," but currently the game is indeed only planned for the PS3."

I'm not saying it will come out for the 360 because well I of course don't know; but I wouldn't just assume it's not coming when there's no clear unambiguous information (the press release screamed of ambiguity, which is often a sign of time-exclusivity) saying so. I do know they never canceled the 360/PC version directly (the blogs attached the word "canceled" to the press release, when in fact that's not actually what it said), and at one point a very playable version of the game existed for both the 360 and the PC (you can find previews of the versions by goggling it).

My take is that it was planned for all three platforms, but Sony passed a check to get it on the PS3 only for this Christmas (time-exclusivity). Because developing games is deathly expensive this generation, Ubisoft accepted the check for time-exclusivity and put all their work at that moment into the PS3 (thereby putting on hold the 360/PC versions); but you can bet there's a good possibility that they won't just let all that work they put into the 360/PC versions go to waste and miss out on the largest FPS user base in the world (I think it's pretty obvious the 360 sells a lot of FPS games, the most even). The only way the 360 version won't get released is if Sony payed a lot of money to keep it off (it'd have to be more than the money they projected to make on the 360/PC versions)...even still I find it unlikely.

At any rate, I don't care that much about whether it comes out for the PS3 or all consoles because it looks awesome either way. PS3 owners will be lucky to play it this year (based on what I've seen of the game).

Saiyar said:
Kasz216 said:
So... Either Sony or NPD's numbers are way wrong on Blu-ray.

Maybe Sony polled a lot of Japanese PS3 owners?

Or the NPD survey was done 4 months ago and Sony have been pushing the PS3 plays BDs angle pretty hard recently.


Yeah... that'd be quite an amazing shift even if they were pushing it hard.  Which, the only thing i've seen pushing it hard is the new ads with Spiderman.  It's pretty statistically imporbably, sampleing error is much more likely.

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good that means vgchartz is very accurate and close

shams said:
NJ5 said:

"The company's worldwide sales goal for next March remains 11 million units."

Totally misleading. 11 million units is the forecast number of shipped PS3s during the current fiscal year only! 2 million were shipped in the first half of the year, which means they have 9 million to do between October 2007 and March 2008.

If they achieved that goal, they would have shipped a total of 14.6 million PS3s by the end of March 2008, meaning about 13.5 million sold to customers.

With all the games being delayed my guess is that they'll miserably fail regarding that goal, guaranteeing a new round of doom and gloom for the PS3 in the media and everywhere else.


Starting to wonder if someone at Sony financial has their wires crossed. Half expecting them to come out with a statement as March '08 ends - saying there was a "mistake" in their projections, and they actually meant 11m lifetime sales (which is rational & reasonable!).

Those extra 2.5m-3.0m PS3 units won't come cheap - I'm not sure where they would come from at all.

Never mind