Hello everyone, as you are aware, many stuff happened in the first eliminations, now, I'll list the coolest things.
Also vote for the elimination's 1 best host.
1. Biggest Nintendo Fan Contest Cheats
Ok, after killeryoshis won a certain user came with the idea we cheated, that only was fake but also struck the contest
2. Rol ALMOST loses
Rol can't lose, and in the beggining of his match he started to lose
3. Killeyoshis taking over MY contest
He no longer allows to do the orders, I can't say anything and I have to ask him permission to do stuff, and it was MY idea!!
4. Sony fans enter here
As many of you noticed, in the first half many Sony fans entered here because of Dsister signin them in
5. Host Competion
Just as a refference
Killeyoshis best thread: http://www.vgchartz.com/forum/thread.php?id=101111
My best thread: http://www.vgchartz.com/forum/thread.php?id=100958