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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy XIII (360) Not HD | Resolution, Anti-Aliasing Analyzed

i just hope they dont gimps ps3 us version
and japanese version ends up looking better.

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Mr Puggsly said:
djs said:
Mr Puggsly said:
Anything higher than 480 = HD.

The statement of the week...

SD is 480. So technically anything higher is HD. Hence higher than the standard definition.

If you can prove me wrong go for it. Or you can make another asinine comment. Your choice.

nice to talk big hug? 576p is not High Definition. Its "enhanced" sd in america, and it's normal SD in Europe.

720p HD has 737280pixels per frame


576p SD has 589824 pixels per frame. Not only that, it's not the standard image ratio for a standard HD TV so it will look even worse. 

The only High definition Accepted video outputs for Commercially available televisions are 720p HD and 1080p, known as "True" HD.


Here's a nice view for you.




Probably makes sense to go with the ps3 version if you own both consoles that is. Unless you really need the game on 360 for achievements. Anyway, the 360 screenshot looks ugly in comparison to the ps3 one but you only get a sense of just how 'bad' it is when looking back at the ps3 one. Now if SE made both equally bad then I guess we'd have nothing to talk about.

Mr Puggsly said:
djs said:
Mr Puggsly said:
Anything higher than 480 = HD.

The statement of the week...

SD is 480. So technically anything higher is HD. Hence higher than the standard definition.

If you can prove me wrong go for it. Or you can make another asinine comment. Your choice.

not Quite:

Analog High def. standard history:

The term high definition once described a series of television systems originating from the late 1930s; however, these systems were only high definition when compared to earlier systems that were based on mechanical systems with as few as 30 lines of resolution.

The British high definition TV service started trials in August 1936 and a regular service in November 1936 using both the (mechanical) Baird 240 line and (electronic)

Marconi-EMI which was 405 lines (377i) systems. The Baird system was discontinued in February 1937. In 1938 France followed with their own 441 line system, variants of which were also used by a number of other countries. The US NTSC joined then in 1941.

In 1949 France introduced an even higher resolution standard at 819 lines (768i), a system that would be high definition even by today's standards, but it was monochrome only. All of these systems used interlacing and a 4:3 aspect ratio except the 240 line system which was progressive (actually described at the time by the technically correct term of 'sequential') and the 405 line system which started as 5:4 and later changed to 4:3. The 405 line system adopted the (at that time) revolutionary idea of interlaced scanning to overcome the flicker problem of the 240 line with its 25 Hz frame rate. The 240 line system could have doubled its frame rate but this would have meant that the transmitted signal would have doubled in bandwidth, an unacceptable option.

Color broadcasts started at similarly higher resolutions, first with the US NTSC color system in 1953, which was compatible with the earlier B&W systems and therefore had the same 525 lines (480i) of resolution. European standards did not follow until the 1960s, when the PAL an SECAM colour systems were added to the monochrome 625 line (576i) broadcasts. Since the formal adoption of the DVB or digital video broadcasting widescreen HDTV transmission modes in the early 2000s the 525-line

NTSC and PAL-M systems as well as the European 625-line PAL and SECAM systems are now regarded as standard definition television systems. In Australia, the 625-line digital progressive system (with 576 active lines) is officially recognized as high definition.

Demise of analog HD systems

However, even that limited standardization of HDTV did not lead to its adoption, principally for technical and economic reasons. Early HDTV commercial experiments such as NHK's MUSE required over four times the bandwidth of a standard-definition broadcast, and despite efforts made to shrink the required bandwidth down to about two times that of SDTV, it was still only distributable by satellite with one channel shared on a daily basis between seven broadcasters. In addition, recording and reproducing an HDTV signal was a significant technical challenge in the early years of HDTV. Japan remained the only country with successful public broadcast analog HDTV. Digital HDTV broadcasting started in 2000 in Japan, and the analog service ended in the early hours of 1 October 2007.


HDTV broadcast systems are identified with three major parameters:

Frame size in pixels is defined as number of horizontal pixels × number of vertical pixels, for example 1280 × 720 or 1920 × 1080. Often the number of horizontal

pixels is implied from context and is omitted.

Scanning system is identified with the letter P for progressive or I for interlaced scanning

Frame rate is identified as number of video frames per second. For interlaced systems an alternative form of specifying number of fields per second is often used

If all three parameters are used, they are specified in the following form: [frame size][scanning system][frame or field rate] or [frame size]/[frame or field rate][scanning system Often, frame size or frame rate can be dropped if its value is implied from context. In this case the remaining numeric parameter is specified first, followed by the scanning system. For example, 1920×1080p25 identifies progressive scanning format with 25 frames per second, each frame being 1,920 pixels wide and 1,080 pixels high. The 1080i25 or 1080i50 notation identifies interlaced scanning format with 25 frames (50 fields) per second, each frame being 1,920 pixels wide and 1,080 pixels high The 1080i30 or 1080i60 notation identifies interlaced scanning format with 30 frames (60 fields) per second, each frame being 1,920 pixels wide and 1,080 pixels high. The 720p60 notation identifies progressive scanning format with 60 frames per second, each frame being 720 pixels high; 1,280 pixels horizontally are implied. 50Hz systems allow for only three scanning rates: 25i, 25p and 50p. 60Hz systems operate with much wider set of frame rates: 23.976p, 24p, 29.97i/59.94i, 29.97p, 30p, 59.94p and 60p. In the days of standard definition television, the fractional rates were often rounded up to whole numbers, e.g. 23.976p was often called 24p, or 59.94i was often called 60i. High definition television allows using both fractional and whole rates, therefore strict usage of notation is required. Nevertheless, 29.97i/59.94i is almost universally called 60i, likewise 23.976p is called 24p.

For commercial naming of a product, the frame rate is often dropped and is implied from context (e.g., a 1080i television set). A frame rate can also be specified without a resolution. For example, 24p means 24 progressive scan frames per second, and 50i means 25 interlaced frames per second.

One aspect of the HDTV that hasn't received a naming standard is color. Until recently, the color of each pixel was regulated by three 8-bit color values, each representing the level of red, blue, and green which defined a pixel color. Together the 24 total bits defining color yielded just under 17 million possible pixel colors. Recently, some manufacturers have designed systems that can employ 10 bits for each color (30 bits total) which provides for a pallette of 1 billion colors. They contend that this provides a much richer picture. Until the naming of this criterion is standardized, consumers will have to do research to ensure that a piece of equipment supports this feature.





100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

numonex said:
bRoKeN said:

Very bad form from Square Enix. 360 owners deserve much better.  Top screenshot = low res, grainy, blurry version of FFXIII. Microsoft gave you lots of money to help you out. You repay us with this performance.

I don't know where you've gotten those screenshots from, but the PS3 was never that sharp. Either you or someone else applied an additional Sharpness filter to both images causing way too much contrast.


ACTUAL PS3 Version:

ACTUAL 360 version:

Around the Network

SE totally fucked up with the 360 version, the Gaf reaction is to say the least hilarious. Such a reaction for a turd on a disc is plain old sad, keep the tears for a better game like the 360 version of FFXIII Versus.

Edit - Damage control from the 360 fanboys is wonderful though I must admit.


RPG said:

SE totally fucked up with the 360 version, the Gaf reaction is to say the least hilarious. Such a reaction for a turd on a disc is plain old sad, keep the tears for a better game like the 360 version of FFXIII Versus.

Edit - Damage control from the 360 fanboys is wonderful though I must admit.

I don't think it's damage control at all, I just see it as an overreaction on both side's

which is prety darn funny when you look at the over all graphic's is inline with better graphic's than say the previous generation system's, thing's happen all the Time durring development all the time unforseen thing's so it's not that big of a deal, unless game play suffer's frame rate drop's that are big a frame drop here an there would not take out the enjoyment of the Game In my opinion. what I have seen so far I think it will be a good game no matter which platform you have.



100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

Mr Puggsly said:
Anything higher than 480 = HD.

In that case the European Wii is HD.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Falsate said:
numonex said:
bRoKeN said:

Very bad form from Square Enix. 360 owners deserve much better.  Top screenshot = low res, grainy, blurry version of FFXIII. Microsoft gave you lots of money to help you out. You repay us with this performance.

I don't know where you've gotten those screenshots from, but the PS3 was never that sharp. Either you or someone else applied an additional Sharpness filter to both images causing way too much contrast.


ACTUAL PS3 Version:

ACTUAL 360 version:

Wow, i can't believe this is true. The difference is sad. Ms has to advertise it so much...

Xoj said:
i just hope they dont gimps ps3 us version
and japanese version ends up looking better.

nooooooooooo don't say things like that

it's the future of handheld


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