The beat up guy and the camerawoman are both despicable humans, quite frankly both are a waste of my oxygen. I would rather have them burned and the energy they produce collected and used to power my PC for ten minutes, because let's face it, that's probably the most useful thing they would ever accomplish with their lives.
Those two made me extremely angry, and I don't get pissed off that easily. The fucking hypocrites are a waste of skin. Sub human scum, he deserved to get beat up and they both deserve to go to jail.
Let's face it, the old man was antagonising them, but that was because they were hassling him and he was defending himself. the beat up guy kept playing the race card when there was no call for it (Fucking pussy, shows how shallow some people are). The old guy decides he doesn't want to argue and moves to the front of the bus. The guy follows him and punches the old guy (uncalled for) and gets his his nose broke (which he fully deserved).
All the time the camerawoman was shouting things like "Yeah, run off pinko" and "Kill the white guy" (or along those lines). It's something no rational person would ever shout. I would never get on the bus argue with someone and then shout "Kill the nigg*rs", I just wouldn't.
Then she has the fucking audacity to steal the old mans bag, take his stuff and then say on camera "We have it on video, we can sue". You just stole his bag on video and you want to use it as evidence against him? It just highlights how stupid people like her are. I mean it's a special kind of stupid that makes me weep for humanity.
Lets' recap. The young guy and the camerawoman are thieves, racists and violent thugs and yet they somehow think they have the moral high ground?
I hope both of them get what's coming to them. I applaud the old man, I hope he presses full charges.
Jeez this has made me angry. I need to cool off.
I do realise though that the old man was probably being an antagonistic jerk, which doesn't help him at all. I just think the other two were completely out of order.