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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - suggest some exclusive 360 games

CommonMan said:
Umm. . . lots have been covered already. You need Shadow Complex though fo sho!

You need to update your game collection, I didn't realize you even had a 360.

yep  I have a ps3/360. I just don't play my 360 as much.

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Strategyking92 said:

Mass Effect 2.. If freaking great. The gameplay is fun.. But the story, atmosphere and characters is what makes it. Plenty of playtime to get lost in the ME universe.



I'm very suspicious he even owns an xbox.. I typed his gamertag into, and it doesnt exist.. I'm pretty sure another sony fan is just trying to stir up shit.

I have a 360. It exist. I haven't bought a new xbox card to get me back to gold membership yet. I'm not a sony fan. I'm a big gaming fan in general. I'm not loyal to any one system.

Alasted said:
Strategyking92 said:


I'm very suspicious he even owns an xbox.. I typed his gamertag into, and it doesnt exist.. I'm pretty sure another sony fan is just trying to stir up shit.

Maybe he just hasn't connected his 360 to his router.  I'm not familiar with the OP's posting history, but, as it stands now, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I don't have a router. I got one modem. I have to unhook the modem from my pc to either my ps3/360. It's a minor pain in the neck. I can only get one thing online at a time.

Checked out your gamertag looks like you already tried Dead Rising a bit so I change my suggestion to Lost Odyssey, PGR4, or Fable 2 (Game of the year edition).

I see someone already mentioned Too Human

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Lyrikalstylez said:
Garnett said:

The best games on Xbox 360 are


  1. Too Human
  2. Shadow Run


Dude thats just wrong

Why? Both of those games are great. Shadowrun just had the problem of being to expensive at launch.

Dead or Alive 4

Truth does not fear investigation

Hey Shadowrun was a MLG game. Don't be dissing that.

It's just that simple.