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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - X10 : Alan Wake Images. Best Graphics on Console Ever. Yeah I said it.

something tells me selnor doesnt have a ps3,anyways, alan wake does look amazing, i am certainly no expert, the game looks like it has an amazing lighting engine, but i think the character models will suffer, personally the game looks like uncharted:drakes fortune level graphics, halo:reach looks like either killzone 2 or a little higher. that being said im really no expert, so dont flame me too much, just dropping my opinion like everyone else is.

"even a dead god still dreams"


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I would say that Crysis beats this and most other games, except I don't know anyone whose even played it, and I sure as hell can't pass judgement cuz my computer lags up even in Diablo 2.

I survived the Apocalyps3

I wish the OP could have just talked about how great the game looks instead of looking for a fight. We can all agree this game looks awesome and hopefully the game play will be great too.

I'll be looking forward to some previews of the final build in the coming months.

I cannot help but stare at the chain in the bottom left corner of the 2nd to last pic. Where is the texture?

  Kinect! who needs video games!

Did we just forgot about the last GOW3 trailer. it being all ingame makes it the best looking game ever

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calvinandhobbes said:
I cannot help but stare at the chain in the bottom left corner of the 2nd to last pic. Where is the texture?

Great, now I can't unsee it either.

I survived the Apocalyps3

I was listening to the Mobcast and they was talking about what they saw at X10 and Garnett Lee said that Alan Wake is the Uncharted 2 for the 360 (Graphically speaking).

Just want to play good games

hahaha I love the title. A bunch of (possibly) photoshoped pictures = best grahpics ever. I doubt it.
If it turns out to be true, I'll gladly swallow my pride and admit wrong doing... but this will not be the best graphics console game. sorry.

Spankey said:
SpartanFX said:

since you have said this for every game that has been on X360 no one will believe's like that old story about the lair that tells the truth for once and no one believes him anymore :p

what do you mean?

This game looks nothing like lair




anyway, is this the PC or 360 build?

And the game was finished 1 month after E309? why's it not out yet?



no PC version? when/why did that happen?

its supposed to be liar

I Hate the fact that all these pillows are contaminated by retard!!

Seems like you stirred up some trouble selnor. Good job, the forums have been boring lately!

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