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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - X10 : Alan Wake Images. Best Graphics on Console Ever. Yeah I said it.

Ok ill stop this now and show u guys how a real game must look like:


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I am just saying, Selnor needs to realize that he can't always come in and expect everyone to agree with him. If they do not agree he should just accept a differing opinion and not resort to the usual stuff we have seen with him.

I think 3D Dot Game Heroes has the best graphics ever.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Strategyking92 said:
Euphoria14 said:
Strategyking92 said:
ANd that's why he was banned. He went too far with it.

He was actually banned for a different thread, not this one.

I believe it was bound to happen eventually

Always does.


I must admit though that sometimes these threads help me during a long work day.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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NightAntilli said:
Aldro said:

Actually I clearly said:

"My two cents, I haven't seen Crysis on UBER MEGA EXTREME so... xD."

[I saw it on medium/high not ultra. I have a hard time believing theres a huge diffrence, but if there is I sadly have not gotten to experience it in which my opinion and my list is still valid ^.^.


Like the other guy said though, probably best to just ignore me >:D.

Alright let me help you then:

Sorry mate but i've seen the first video and well... I still feel like I need to play it. The video doesn't really tell me much and if I was to judge this video based on my KZ2 / U2 gameplay I have to say they > it :|. For example the details on the gun. KZ2 has the most detailed guns ive ever seen. Unless I play Crysis on Ultra High I can't have a fair comparison. I also feel the water in U2 and possibly KZ2 > Crysis. The lightning (of the sun) is really good but nothing else I FEEL stands out. During night the game looks a bit boring and not uh "shiny" as KZ2. The woods/palms are awesome but I perfer U2 due to its art. However Crysis is way bigger and has destructable environments so... (Also the video is really choppy).

Don't hate me ;_;! One day I will play it :> but atm I just stick to my PS3/X360. I don't game much at all on my PC. Thats why we console gamers are so lucky Crysis 2 is coming :]!

Fine O_O Believe whatever you want to. As for me, I'll keep my opinion of all those games you mentioned to myself. My only opinion is Crysis > All. Other than that, I will not compare Alan Wake, Halo Reach, UC2, KZ2 with each other. Another thing I'll say is that GOW III and MGS4 graphics are HEAVILY overhyped and overrated. But people are entitled to their opinion, though there's a difference between an informed and an uninformed opinion, but that's not for me to judge.

Truth does not fear investigation

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NightAntilli said:
Fine O_O Believe whatever you want to. As for me, I'll keep my opinion of all those games you mentioned to myself. My only opinion is Crysis > All. Other than that, I will not compare Alan Wake, Halo Reach, UC2, KZ2 with each other. Another thing I'll say is that GOW III and MGS4 graphics are HEAVILY overhyped and overrated. But people are entitled to their opinion, though there's a difference between an informed and an uninformed opinion, but that's not for me to judge.

Reported for being a fanboy.. You can't have played GOW3 &nd according to your profile you don't own MGS4.. Besides, you say it like it's a fact. The funny thing is that you say that every1 is entitled to their opinion, but that it should be a informed one.. Yours is as uninformed as it gets...

Rickz0r said:
NightAntilli said:
Fine O_O Believe whatever you want to. As for me, I'll keep my opinion of all those games you mentioned to myself. My only opinion is Crysis > All. Other than that, I will not compare Alan Wake, Halo Reach, UC2, KZ2 with each other. Another thing I'll say is that GOW III and MGS4 graphics are HEAVILY overhyped and overrated. But people are entitled to their opinion, though there's a difference between an informed and an uninformed opinion, but that's not for me to judge.

Reported for being a fanboy.. You can't have played GOW3 &nd according to your profile you don't own MGS4.. Besides, you say it like it's a fact. The funny thing is that you say that every1 is entitled to their opinion, but that it should be a informed one.. Yours is as uninformed as it gets...

:/ Let him have his opinion he clearly said he'll keep it.

Rickz0r said:
NightAntilli said:
Fine O_O Believe whatever you want to. As for me, I'll keep my opinion of all those games you mentioned to myself. My only opinion is Crysis > All. Other than that, I will not compare Alan Wake, Halo Reach, UC2, KZ2 with each other. Another thing I'll say is that GOW III and MGS4 graphics are HEAVILY overhyped and overrated. But people are entitled to their opinion, though there's a difference between an informed and an uninformed opinion, but that's not for me to judge.

Reported for being a fanboy.. You can't have played GOW3 &nd according to your profile you don't own MGS4.. Besides, you say it like it's a fact. The funny thing is that you say that every1 is entitled to their opinion, but that it should be a informed one.. Yours is as uninformed as it gets...

Looking at my sig does not show you anything of how informed I am. You can report all you want. I probably will not get banned for that statement. Calling me that sort of names however, that can get you banned sooner than what I said. But again, that's not for me to judge. Seems like I hurt your precious feelings, but that's not my problem. 

Edit: And oyeah, one more thing, I know that how many evidence I show for everything, no one would still believe me. That's why I usually avoid graphics discussions. Unless a statement is really extraordinary, I don't say anything. I just said what I needed to say, and I'll leave it at that. If you don't agree, fine, but there's no need in starting to call people names. That type of name calling does not do you any justice of how right you are, neither how smart you are, nor how "unbiased" you are. Exactly the opposite in fact. So, before you start acting like I'm a bad person who killed your family, you should look at your own behavior, and maybe you could see the irony.

As for me, again, unless some extraordinary claim is made again, I'll be quiet.

Truth does not fear investigation

Porcupine_I said:

it all pales in comparison with this here Half life 3 Screenshot!


omg look at the detail, so life like

I think any future threads like this is ban worthy, its really getting out of hand. Deep down its just a big 'ol "eat shit" flame bait thread.

+10 for you !

Time to Work !