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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 Bundle Confirmed!!!

DirtyP2002 said:
morenoingrato said:
you lucky xbox owners!!

This might be the perfect time to get one and be as lucky as we are Acutally you would be even luckier, because you already have a Wii.

more consoles = more win. But people don't see it this way

more money = more consoles

less money = less consoles (me)



more age = more liberty to spend money

less age = less liberty to spend money (me)

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DirtyP2002 said:

now I feel even more jelaous!!!

FF13 is one of the few hd games I really, really want

At this rate, with FF showing its brand on Xbox, Versus might be announced for Xbox soon. SE is lovin' them some Xbox as of late.

Wow this is pretty damn big.

It's just that simple.

If i was square i would be ashamed. I mean sony actually created a ps3 dedicated to ff13, while Microsoft just added the game to the arcade along withe a hd and controller. If Microsoft actually painted it like they did with mw2 then i wouldnt mind. But this is just sad...

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The FF13 commercial aired on ESPN and ended with the 360 and advertising the bundle.

Just want to play good games

red_dragon said:
The FF13 commercial aired on ESPN and ended with the 360 and advertising the bundle.

The whole NBA celebrity all-star game is sponsored by FF XIII! They'll be running ads for the whole two hours I reckon.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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shinyuhadouken said:
BMaker11 said:
leo-j said:

This is beyond pathetic, I'm sorry, sony you are the most retarded company I have ever fucking seen when it comes to 3rd party games, the only smart thing you have done with a 3rd party ip was with MGS4.

Microsoft "Every playstation franchise has migrated to XBOX 360, and all of you will do the same"

that statement makes so much more sense now, since it seems former huge playstation ip, are being more assosiated with the XBOX brand than the playstation brand.

1.5M first week in one region already. 360 has some catching up to do from the get go....not to mention that even if it DOES manage to outsell the PS3 version in America, it won't in Europe. I'm not worried and neither should you. I doubt this game's brand recognition is gonna switch to the 360. This is one of those games where it'll sell better on the PS3 (even if Xbox got a release in Japan). Just look at every Japanese centric game. Tekken, DMC, DBZ (yea, I'll count that), even Batman and Burnout sold better here

DMC4 sold better in the US and so did most other games. You're only listing a few. FF13 won't outsell the 360 version. The difference in userbase is huge in the US.

Yea I'm listing a few...because I said 'Japanese centric games'. That kinda has to meet a certain criteria, right? And all of those games sold better on the PS3


And if you think the 360 version of FFXIII will overcome a 1.5M lead on top of what the PS3 version will sell in America and're crazy. I could say that Batman: Arkham Asylum PS3 won't outsell the 360 version because of the US, according to your logic......oh wait

It's all about marketing really, and M$ won again this competition.