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Forums - Gaming Discussion - IGN: Best Games OVERALL! (And the winner is....)

why is there not a single blizzard game on that list?

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Putting Half Life 2 on the first place was the best thing they did. This game is the best in terms of atmosphere in gaming from the beginning to the end. It was perfect for my expectations. But now pls put Uncharted 2 from that list and replace it by Resident Evil 4. UC2 easily would deserve a place on "the best games of this gen" list but not of the decade! Also Halo 2 or a Final Fantasy would be highly appreciated.


selnor said:
I can see now why so many people have a problem with

1. These types of lists and

2. IGN.

Firstly. What the hell. Games which revolutionized their genres or best sellers not even appearing.
Halo 1????? Reinvented console FPS.

No Gears 1? Revolutionized TPS mechanics.

No WOW reinvented MMO's.

The games that are there are in no way representative of the best of the last 10 years. Cmon people 10 years?!

Half Life 2 wasnt amazing it was good. A technical demo of the gravity at the time. Not amazing. To many unecessary bits. KOTOR? Really. ME1 a much better gam than KOTOR.

Look at IGN's best of each year over the 2000-2009 period. Now this list if genuine should contain there number 1's from each year. But it doesnt.

Poor poor lists. Dreadful in many cases.


You think Halo should make this list but HL2 is a tech demo? I'm not a Halo hater but Halo is the same 5 minutes of game play repeated over and over again. HL2 has some of the best level design ever, hell I would say the best ever. The guns, like in all valve games, have a great feel to them and the characters are amazing. The facial animations, voice acting, and writing in HL2 is top notch. Halo is full of fun yet forgettable game play, not even in the same league imo.

Spagoodle said:
selnor said:
I can see now why so many people have a problem with

1. These types of lists and

2. IGN.

Firstly. What the hell. Games which revolutionized their genres or best sellers not even appearing.
Halo 1????? Reinvented console FPS.

No Gears 1? Revolutionized TPS mechanics.

No WOW reinvented MMO's.

The games that are there are in no way representative of the best of the last 10 years. Cmon people 10 years?!

Half Life 2 wasnt amazing it was good. A technical demo of the gravity at the time. Not amazing. To many unecessary bits. KOTOR? Really. ME1 a much better gam than KOTOR.

Look at IGN's best of each year over the 2000-2009 period. Now this list if genuine should contain there number 1's from each year. But it doesnt.

Poor poor lists. Dreadful in many cases.


You think Halo should make this list but HL2 is a tech demo? I'm not a Halo hater but Halo is the same 5 minutes of game play repeated over and over again. HL2 has some of the best level design ever, hell I would say the best ever. The guns, like in all valve games, have a great feel to them and the characters are amazing. The facial animations, voice acting, and writing in HL2 is top notch. Halo is full of fun yet forgettable game play, not even in the same league imo.

I played Half Life 2 for the first time in the Orage Box. After what the hype was I was let down alot. Game is good, but story kinda sucked. And when I got the gravity gun, the game just fell apart. They should have left that idea for Portal. I could have cut 4 to 5 hours out of the game and made it much more enjoyable. After playing Halo and Halo 2 Half Life 2 just kinda waned a bit. I guess everyone is different.

Mazty said:
CGI-Quality said:
Mazty said:

Completed HL2 a few weeks ago. It's just not a good game. It's a generic corridor crawl with bugger all story, bugger all tactics, and the only good parts are the last two levels because of a)Seeing the inside of the Combine HQ b)The all-new-and-improved Gravity Gun.

Halo was made in 2000 and a far, far more influential game than HL2 ever was.
Also what about other genre defying games such as Devil May Cry, God of War, Soul Caliber 2, Call of Duty, Unreal Tournament, Perfect Dark etc?
What a god-awful pile of crap to pick as being the best of the decade.

Then again their choices for the best films for the decade can be described as malignant to the art of film making, missing films such as Gladiator, The Departed, Broke Back Mountain, Last King of Scotland, Downfall etc.


Please tell me you're kidding.


Not at all. THe game is highly over rated and I'll say why:

Who are you? A scientist. Who worked for Black Mesa. Who the hell are they...Well apparently having worked for them and having a suit makes you into Rambo. Hell, you don't need lean or to look down the barrel of your gun, just run and gun.I can understand why they opted for Gordon not to speak, but the fact that there is so much dialogue aimed at you, it broke the immersion for me as these odd monologues kept on occuring. And an invincible guy in a suit kept showing up every now and again, only to deliever the most confusing ending I've seen because who is he? What the hell is he on about? This leads me onto the story...

What story? Iif you've never played the first you are given no direction as to what is going on other than the earth has been invaded by the Combine. Are they bad people? They seem to be keeping the city people down but for all I know the rest of the world could be an eutopia where the rivers are made of chocolate with gumdrop trees covering acre after acre and every troop I kill I'm depriving them of a loving wife and children etc, you see where I'm going with that.
In game the story is this: You are on a train. You meet the rebels, the teleport messes up, you meet up with the rebel HQ, then the majority of the game is getting from point A (where you are) to point B (where the rebels are being held hostage). Oh and somehow the younger "attractive" chick falls for Gordon even though she doesn't know him and christ, this sh*t reads out like Twilight for nerdy guys - as opposed to a book, it's a game, and instead of vampires, you are a geeky Rambo.

The gameplay can be best described as adequate. You can't lean which is a real b*tch considering the game is a giant corridor crawl, with some awful, awful vehicle parts. Yes Valve, you modified the Havok engine, congratulations, your vehicles still handle like sh*t, and if I can move a box, and can get over the sand/radioactive waste/electrified water fine, you don't have to feel obligied to put in these asinine game lengthing features more than once.

End of the day, Halo: CE was far, far more influential and came out the same time. The vehicles handled far better, the multiplayer was sublime, the storyline wasn't revolutionary, but the length and scale of the missions were, as well as games nowadays still feeling it's effect of regenerating health and a very balanced two weapon system, with melee and quick access grenades. To give HL2 the no.1 spot is just pleasing all the fans of HL2 out there instead of going for the game which has influnced shooters for the past decade.


Halo is far from influential. Frankly your confused on which game is generic.

Also Valve's physics engine inspired Havok. Not the other way around.

Just because you have no idea the angle the Half-Life franchise was going with narrative and plot, you should not insult art.

You can lean... you just obviously have no idea how to do it. (should br the q+e keys unless you stupidly changed them)

And comparing Half-Life to Twilight has to be a sin.


OT: I agree with this list. Battlefield 1942 influence the vehicle based combat in multiplayer games combining excellent gameplaying and vehicle combat.

Half-Life 2 is godlike. There is no better FPS.

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Gilgamesh said:


No Metal Gear Solid games, no Final Fantasy (X) games (even Crisis Core deserves to be there), San Andreas was waaaaaay better then III.

I disagree with you. MGS has way to many flaws. Final Fantasy is a great RPG series, but I'd place The Witcher way before FF. And San Andreas didnt revolutionize the third-person action adventure genre like III, because well III was the first in the series to do it and did it well..

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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

i agree with that


im gonna replay it again

also u2>halo/gears according to ign...

ssj12 said:
Gilgamesh said:


No Metal Gear Solid games, no Final Fantasy (X) games (even Crisis Core deserves to be there), San Andreas was waaaaaay better then III.

I disagree with you. MGS has way to many flaws. Final Fantasy is a great RPG series, but I'd place The Witcher way before FF. And San Andreas didnt revolutionize the third-person action adventure genre like III, because well III was the first in the series to do it and did it well..

Put shouldn't the list be of "best" games not "most revolutionary/influential"?  In that case, wouldn't SA be on that list instead of III?

selnor said:
Spagoodle said:
selnor said:
I can see now why so many people have a problem with

1. These types of lists and

2. IGN.

Firstly. What the hell. Games which revolutionized their genres or best sellers not even appearing.
Halo 1????? Reinvented console FPS.

No Gears 1? Revolutionized TPS mechanics.

No WOW reinvented MMO's.

The games that are there are in no way representative of the best of the last 10 years. Cmon people 10 years?!

Half Life 2 wasnt amazing it was good. A technical demo of the gravity at the time. Not amazing. To many unecessary bits. KOTOR? Really. ME1 a much better gam than KOTOR.

Look at IGN's best of each year over the 2000-2009 period. Now this list if genuine should contain there number 1's from each year. But it doesnt.

Poor poor lists. Dreadful in many cases.


You think Halo should make this list but HL2 is a tech demo? I'm not a Halo hater but Halo is the same 5 minutes of game play repeated over and over again. HL2 has some of the best level design ever, hell I would say the best ever. The guns, like in all valve games, have a great feel to them and the characters are amazing. The facial animations, voice acting, and writing in HL2 is top notch. Halo is full of fun yet forgettable game play, not even in the same league imo.

I played Half Life 2 for the first time in the Orage Box. After what the hype was I was let down alot. Game is good, but story kinda sucked. And when I got the gravity gun, the game just fell apart. They should have left that idea for Portal. I could have cut 4 to 5 hours out of the game and made it much more enjoyable. After playing Halo and Halo 2 Half Life 2 just kinda waned a bit. I guess everyone is different.

Fair enough, to each their own. You have to remember the physics in HL2 were revolutionary at the time, we went from rag dolls physics to what HL2 was doing with their physics engine. I can see where you are coming from though. If I have one criticism of HL2 it is the over use of the physics in game play at times, especially when it comes to puzzle solving.

CGI-Quality said:
It's funny, some of the same people praising IGN last week are now the very same people saying 'who cares what they think'?

I guess when it doesn't fit your feelings, they're a bad site. Don't get me wrong, some of the choices I don't agree with either. But it isn't a list designed to please everyone, it's a list designed to give their opinion of the best 10 games of the last decade.

Very good point.It's only an opinionated list. Not facts. So guys make your comments and cheer up. If you dont agree fine. I'm sure your personal lists and mine suits us better. :)