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selnor said:
Spagoodle said:
selnor said:
I can see now why so many people have a problem with

1. These types of lists and

2. IGN.

Firstly. What the hell. Games which revolutionized their genres or best sellers not even appearing.
Halo 1????? Reinvented console FPS.

No Gears 1? Revolutionized TPS mechanics.

No WOW reinvented MMO's.

The games that are there are in no way representative of the best of the last 10 years. Cmon people 10 years?!

Half Life 2 wasnt amazing it was good. A technical demo of the gravity at the time. Not amazing. To many unecessary bits. KOTOR? Really. ME1 a much better gam than KOTOR.

Look at IGN's best of each year over the 2000-2009 period. Now this list if genuine should contain there number 1's from each year. But it doesnt.

Poor poor lists. Dreadful in many cases.


You think Halo should make this list but HL2 is a tech demo? I'm not a Halo hater but Halo is the same 5 minutes of game play repeated over and over again. HL2 has some of the best level design ever, hell I would say the best ever. The guns, like in all valve games, have a great feel to them and the characters are amazing. The facial animations, voice acting, and writing in HL2 is top notch. Halo is full of fun yet forgettable game play, not even in the same league imo.

I played Half Life 2 for the first time in the Orage Box. After what the hype was I was let down alot. Game is good, but story kinda sucked. And when I got the gravity gun, the game just fell apart. They should have left that idea for Portal. I could have cut 4 to 5 hours out of the game and made it much more enjoyable. After playing Halo and Halo 2 Half Life 2 just kinda waned a bit. I guess everyone is different.

Fair enough, to each their own. You have to remember the physics in HL2 were revolutionary at the time, we went from rag dolls physics to what HL2 was doing with their physics engine. I can see where you are coming from though. If I have one criticism of HL2 it is the over use of the physics in game play at times, especially when it comes to puzzle solving.