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Forums - Sony Discussion - Star Ocean: The Last Hope - International - OFFICIAL THREAD!

dunno, I don't care about draw distance in console games, only on PC ones.

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noez! it annoys me, because it happens semi in battle to!

So far pros and cons as follows ... all in my opinion of course... from my exp with the game thus far...

Pro's ...

  • All on one single blu-ray disc, back tracking for side-quests and extra dungeons is a breeze now, no swapping.
  • More motion Blur in battles an' out.
  • More language settings, with english and japanese dubs.
  • Two art menu styles, anime and CGI.
  • Trophies worth getting over 360's achievements.
  • Fixed ALOT of the lag issues the 360 had, theres almost no lag at all, small slow downs are all thats left.
  • No XMB Lag what-so-ever, WKC has far more XBM lag for being a 2nd party...
  • Only 1.9GB of data needed to be installed, which is small.
  • Battles seem more balanced.
  • Audio has been tweaked.


Con's ...

  • Draw Distance is fucked up.
  • No Manual targeting tweak seems to be added from the original.
  • No Sixaxis support.
  • Some graphical textures are really screwed up.
  • Original SO4 save Screen is GONE, its been replaced by the fugly standard playstation save screen mode.
  • Reimi is highly gimped from the orignial, shes not as good as she was before now.
  • Promised Custom Soundtracks not available at launch.
  • The rumoured "NEW" characters are missing.
  • The ability to keep both faize and arumat from what i told wasn't established in new game+ mode.
  • New dungeons weren't added.

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:

So far pros and cons as follows ... all in my opinion of course... from my exp with the game thus far...

Pro's ...

  • All on one single blu-ray disc, back tracking for side-quests and extra dungeons is a breeze now, no swapping.
  • More motion Blur in battles an' out.
  • More language settings, with english and japanese dubs.
  • Two art menu styles, anime and CGI.
  • Trophies worth getting over 360's achievements.
  • Fixed ALOT of the lag issues the 360 had, theres almost no lag at all, small slow downs are all thats left.
  • No XMB Lag what-so-ever, WKC has far more XBM lag for being a 2nd party...
  • Only 1.9GB of data needed to be installed, which is small.
  • Battles seem more balanced.
  • Audio has been tweaked.


Con's ...

  • Draw Distance is fucked up.
  • No Manual targeting tweak seems to be added from the original.
  • No Sixaxis support.
  • Some graphical textures are really screwed up.
  • Original SO4 save Screen is GONE, its been replaced by the fugly standard playstation save screen mode.
  • Reimi is highly gimped from the orignial, shes not as good as she was before now.
  • Promised Custom Soundtracks not available at launch.
  • The rumoured "NEW" characters are missing.
  • The ability to keep both faize and arumat from what i told wasn't established in new game+ mode.
  • New dungeons weren't added.

oh btw dood, forgot to mention, PS3 version has a more stable FPS as far as I can see, maybe the decision to pull the draw distance back a little is for that purpose, I'm just guessing of course. The edges are also more smooth, but that's because of QAA, shit smeared the textures a little. The thing that's mind boggling is that Tri-Ace can't properly do HDR on the PS3, which is some funny shit. I don't know why not having six axis support is a con btw.... that's kinda insane, and not sure why the save screen matters. o_O

also pretty sure the PS3 version is 720p outside battles while 360 is lower than that.

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Severance said:
Wagram said:
Fayt > Edge
Reimi > Sophia
Cliff = Bachus
Everyone Else > Sarah


you mean.... Serah .... Seraph.... Seraphic.... >.>;

both have wings you know. must be his wife.

Oh hell no. not even by a long shot friend, shes to much of a ditz.

I like my winged ladies with spunk and personality.

For anime / games ...


And for Real life / Movies ...

There ye' be teh brides of a seraphim.


dahuman said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:

So far pros and cons as follows ... all in my opinion of course... from my exp with the game thus far...

Pro's ...

  • All on one single blu-ray disc, back tracking for side-quests and extra dungeons is a breeze now, no swapping.
  • More motion Blur in battles an' out.
  • More language settings, with english and japanese dubs.
  • Two art menu styles, anime and CGI.
  • Trophies worth getting over 360's achievements.
  • Fixed ALOT of the lag issues the 360 had, theres almost no lag at all, small slow downs are all thats left.
  • No XMB Lag what-so-ever, WKC has far more XBM lag for being a 2nd party...
  • Only 1.9GB of data needed to be installed, which is small.
  • Battles seem more balanced.
  • Audio has been tweaked.


Con's ...

  • Draw Distance is fucked up.
  • No Manual targeting tweak seems to be added from the original.
  • No Sixaxis support.
  • Some graphical textures are really screwed up.
  • Original SO4 save Screen is GONE, its been replaced by the fugly standard playstation save screen mode.
  • Reimi is highly gimped from the orignial, shes not as good as she was before now.
  • Promised Custom Soundtracks not available at launch.
  • The rumoured "NEW" characters are missing.
  • The ability to keep both faize and arumat from what i told wasn't established in new game+ mode.
  • New dungeons weren't added.

oh btw dood, forgot to mention, PS3 version has a more stable FPS as far as I can see, maybe the decision to pull the draw distance back a little is for that purpose, I'm just guessing of course. The edges are also more smooth, but that's because of QAA, shit smeared the textures a little. The thing that's mind boggling is that Tri-Ace can't properly do HDR on the PS3, which is some funny shit. I don't know why not having six axis support is a con btw.... that's kinda insane, and not sure why the save screen matters. o_O

That is true, i've also noticed the higher FPS, but wasn't sure, but if you noticed it to then thats most likely what they must have done. to some extent anyways.

Lol! an' the save screen matters to me quite alot because it means all RPG's on PS3 are boud to the playstation save system, its a pet peeve i suppose.

And i was expecting some nice mini games with sixaxis support!

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:

So far pros and cons as follows ... all in my opinion of course... from my exp with the game thus far...

Pro's ...

  • All on one single blu-ray disc, back tracking for side-quests and extra dungeons is a breeze now, no swapping.
  • More motion Blur in battles an' out.
  • More language settings, with english and japanese dubs.
  • Two art menu styles, anime and CGI.
  • Trophies worth getting over 360's achievements.
  • Fixed ALOT of the lag issues the 360 had, theres almost no lag at all, small slow downs are all thats left.
  • No XMB Lag what-so-ever, WKC has far more XBM lag for being a 2nd party...
  • Only 1.9GB of data needed to be installed, which is small.
  • Battles seem more balanced.
  • Audio has been tweaked.


Con's ...

  • Draw Distance is fucked up.
  • No Manual targeting tweak seems to be added from the original.
  • No Sixaxis support.
  • Some graphical textures are really screwed up.
  • Original SO4 save Screen is GONE, its been replaced by the fugly standard playstation save screen mode.
  • Reimi is highly gimped from the orignial, shes not as good as she was before now.
  • Promised Custom Soundtracks not available at launch.
  • The rumoured "NEW" characters are missing.
  • The ability to keep both faize and arumat from what i told wasn't established in new game+ mode.
  • New dungeons weren't added.

How is that a Con? Half the time Six-Axis feels tacked on and crappy. Glad they didn't use it.

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
dahuman said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:

So far pros and cons as follows ... all in my opinion of course... from my exp with the game thus far...

Pro's ...

  • All on one single blu-ray disc, back tracking for side-quests and extra dungeons is a breeze now, no swapping.
  • More motion Blur in battles an' out.
  • More language settings, with english and japanese dubs.
  • Two art menu styles, anime and CGI.
  • Trophies worth getting over 360's achievements.
  • Fixed ALOT of the lag issues the 360 had, theres almost no lag at all, small slow downs are all thats left.
  • No XMB Lag what-so-ever, WKC has far more XBM lag for being a 2nd party...
  • Only 1.9GB of data needed to be installed, which is small.
  • Battles seem more balanced.
  • Audio has been tweaked.


Con's ...

  • Draw Distance is fucked up.
  • No Manual targeting tweak seems to be added from the original.
  • No Sixaxis support.
  • Some graphical textures are really screwed up.
  • Original SO4 save Screen is GONE, its been replaced by the fugly standard playstation save screen mode.
  • Reimi is highly gimped from the orignial, shes not as good as she was before now.
  • Promised Custom Soundtracks not available at launch.
  • The rumoured "NEW" characters are missing.
  • The ability to keep both faize and arumat from what i told wasn't established in new game+ mode.
  • New dungeons weren't added.

oh btw dood, forgot to mention, PS3 version has a more stable FPS as far as I can see, maybe the decision to pull the draw distance back a little is for that purpose, I'm just guessing of course. The edges are also more smooth, but that's because of QAA, shit smeared the textures a little. The thing that's mind boggling is that Tri-Ace can't properly do HDR on the PS3, which is some funny shit. I don't know why not having six axis support is a con btw.... that's kinda insane, and not sure why the save screen matters. o_O

That is true, i've also noticed the higher FPS, but wasn't sure, but if you noticed it to then thats most likely what they must have done. to some extent anyways.

Lol! an' the save screen matters to me quite alot because it means all RPG's on PS3 are boud to the playstation save system, its a pet peeve i suppose.

And i was expecting some nice mini games with sixaxis support!

fuck that, I have a Wii, I'll leave the motion control to that.

but im curious about Star Ocean in Warhawk Style... *thinks about project sylpheed*

but guys, any idea where i can level my Chars? i hate the last level because its the last level! :O and the Cave of Seven Stars is madness, because every fight is a fight about life and death, and poorly rewarded.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!