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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:

So far pros and cons as follows ... all in my opinion of course... from my exp with the game thus far...

Pro's ...

  • All on one single blu-ray disc, back tracking for side-quests and extra dungeons is a breeze now, no swapping.
  • More motion Blur in battles an' out.
  • More language settings, with english and japanese dubs.
  • Two art menu styles, anime and CGI.
  • Trophies worth getting over 360's achievements.
  • Fixed ALOT of the lag issues the 360 had, theres almost no lag at all, small slow downs are all thats left.
  • No XMB Lag what-so-ever, WKC has far more XBM lag for being a 2nd party...
  • Only 1.9GB of data needed to be installed, which is small.
  • Battles seem more balanced.
  • Audio has been tweaked.


Con's ...

  • Draw Distance is fucked up.
  • No Manual targeting tweak seems to be added from the original.
  • No Sixaxis support.
  • Some graphical textures are really screwed up.
  • Original SO4 save Screen is GONE, its been replaced by the fugly standard playstation save screen mode.
  • Reimi is highly gimped from the orignial, shes not as good as she was before now.
  • Promised Custom Soundtracks not available at launch.
  • The rumoured "NEW" characters are missing.
  • The ability to keep both faize and arumat from what i told wasn't established in new game+ mode.
  • New dungeons weren't added.

oh btw dood, forgot to mention, PS3 version has a more stable FPS as far as I can see, maybe the decision to pull the draw distance back a little is for that purpose, I'm just guessing of course. The edges are also more smooth, but that's because of QAA, shit smeared the textures a little. The thing that's mind boggling is that Tri-Ace can't properly do HDR on the PS3, which is some funny shit. I don't know why not having six axis support is a con btw.... that's kinda insane, and not sure why the save screen matters. o_O