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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Balance Board outsells PS3!

Not every Wii fit Plus or Wii Fit came with the balance board, thoug.

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Bamboleo said:

Hmm ok so onyl 55% of WFPlus sales are from Balance board.

That makes a gap of ~2.5 million to the BB surpass PS3.

It will definitely happen.


Those are cheap peripherals (rumble pack? LOOL for god's sake) and didn't got as much support as the balance board to be considered "platforms" on their own.

As for the dance pad I'm pretty sure it hadn't that stellar sales and the games it has might be all from the same company, not a variety of 3rd party support like the BB.

don't think so, wii fit plus barely outsold PS3 this week, and if only 55% of those were bundles then PS3 outsold it by quite a bit.  If it hasn't happened already the BB won't outsell PS3.  I wonder if it outsold it before the slim came out though.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

I don't think anyone would have guessed bringing the bathroom scale into the living room could be this massive.

That's great. I've been looking for that information.

This is invisible text!

Killergran said:
That's great. I've been looking for that information.

It was on average. It can go either down or up.


Honestly I think the first Wii fit adopters already upgraded to Plus, so that number will likely come up.

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Well, it seems to have proven to the public that even games can sell with proper marketing


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