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Forums - Sony Discussion - FFVIII remake more likely?

Probably not. As S-E said, it's not a matter of tech: it's a matter of design. HD pretty much mandates sacrificing everything that made older games good for the sake of graphics. Otherwise it all gets too time-consuming and expensive, and HD's costs are way too high even as-is.

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Why would FFVIII be more likely....Kitase gave an excuse stating PS3 made 'towns and full rendered backgrounds made production too expensive'. That pretty much knocks out any FF game past FFVI for a remake if he's going to make it. Unless they try to produce it in a different style than the way they've been making games currently.

Frankly, I think they could make a new Final Fantasy a lot cheaper and more cost effective than the recent FFVII-FFXIII has been, but that's just my opinion. Other JRPGs can produce games at 1/10 the cost of a FF game and still look quite fine. Look at Dragon Quest VIII, Star Ocean IV, Lost Odyssey, etc. A game doesn't have to have a 500 million dollar budget to make 500 million dollars.

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I'm referring to FFVII, but even a remake of FFVIII won't be bad.
p.s.FFVIII is my favourite game!:P

hayeya_k said:
A FFVIII remake would blow my mind literally !!!!! BEST FF EVER!

Since doing a full 3d remake is a lot of work for Lazy SE, why dont they do the following:
- same backgrounds but in HD (i think that they do the backgrounds in super resolution and then reduce them for the PS1, so they should have the HD ones somewhere)
- replace the old characters with multi million poligons characters
- Keep the music , story, gameplay, sidequests, text, the same
The only thing that they should redo is the CGs since they will look like crap in HD

There you have it SE , now remake the PS1 FF now

Exactly, whats so hard about it?

They are interested in 3D, so Remakes in 3D Confirmed?