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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony: PS3 “sales curve” to far outlast that of PS2

Taken from VG247 article.

Sony’s predicted that PS3 will be around far longer than PS2 managed to survive, saying the machine is “inherently future proof”.

“PS3 won’t celebrate its second birthday in the UK until March of this year, and we’ve said all along that the life-cycle for this generation of hardware will be longer than previous models,” the firm said in a statement o T3 mag.

“PS2 was still going strong after eight years, and with the power the Cell processor provides, not to mention the fact that PS3 is inherently future-proof, we see the PS3 sales curve far outlasting that of PS2.





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reask, you never heard this before...?

Slimebeast said:
reask, you never heard this before...?

Never honest.






Well both the Xbox 360 and PS3 go far beyond the power/performance curve one expected before this generation started so there is some merit to this statement.


I think so too squillium.





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Maybe so, but it isn't up to Sony. If Microsoft and Nintendo both come with a new machine, Sony has to follow. And no retailer is going to sell more than 4 systems (which will be Wii, Wii 2, new Xbox, and new PlayStation).

Lol, '...with the power that the Cell processor provides...' that sounds like something Darth Vader might say. XD

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


sounds like the same old thing that they've been saying - however, I do think that this generation does have the potential to last longer than previous ones - I guess time will tell, but I personally (aka just my opinion) don't think the PS3's lifetime will outlast the PS2's

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I'll give Sony one thing, they are an optimistic bunch. "Far" outlasting the PS2 doesn't even seem possible, perhaps they have some grand master plan for the next 8 years we don't know about.


Alright! 150 million sold easy!