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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Upcoming games from the big devs: SE Edition.

Well, we are now 2 years into this gen fully (2 days until Wii's second anniversary).

So what are the big third party companies cooking for each platform?

This thread is dedicated to SE specially. We can take a look at their preferences, trends and priorities now that we are 2 years into the gen.


Chronno Trigger
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Tales 2
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest VI
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time
Blood of Bahamut


Agito Final Fantasy XIII
Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
Parasite Eve 3
Dragon Gears (unconfirmed)


Final Fantasy XIII
Star Ocean: The Last Hope
The Last Remnant
Rapture (MMORPG)


Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
The Last Remnant
Rapture (MMORPG)


Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (DS port)

Looking at their current upcoming projects, we can clearly assume that DS is their most important platform, followed closely by the PSP. After the portables, their home console priorities are like this: PS3, followed closely by the 360 and lastly the Wii.

DS is getting some major games like DQIX, Blood of Bahamut, KH: 358/2 Days and FFCC: EoT. It is also gettin some remakes like DQVI and Chrono Trigger. Finally it's getting a minor game like FF Fables: Chocobo's Tales 2.

PSP is getting mostly major games with Dissidia: FF, Agito FFXIII, KH: BBS. It is also getting some rather medium games like Parasite Eve 3 and possibly Dragon Gears.

PS3 and 360 are getting the same games save for 1 exclusive each, but they are all major games. PS3 is getting FFvsXIII while 360 is getting SO4. Also the PS3 is getting FFXIII exclusively in Japan, but 360 is getting TLR way before than the PS3. So it seems like the tip is on favour of the PS3, but just barely. PS3 is also getting a FFVII: ACC Blu Ray movie bundle, while 360 is also getting a TLR bundle.

Lastly, Wii is getting FFCC:CB, which is the big game for the system. It is also getting a port of the DS version of FFCC:EoT.

Some points I consider worth looking at. FFXIV, will be going to the HD platforms. There's no way SE will release it on any other platform, be it portable or the Wii, since they would have already launched FFXIII on the HD's and the audience who plans on buying the FF main series will already be there, so scratch off any suggestion of it coming to any other platform. That is if it makes it before this gen ends.

Kingdom Hearts 3 is still anyone's guess as where will it go. My best guess would be the DS or PSP, and SE could be testing the waters with the two upcoming portable versions. It would be really strange to see it on a home console, cosnidering development costs and userbases.

DQX could be making it to a home console, but I believe that will highly depend on how DQIX performs. If the game breaks every single DQ record, then expect the next DQ to be on the DS, but if the game performs considerably lower than previous games, you could bet your asses SE will be moving the franchise to another platform, and yes the Wii seems the most probable. But sadly for the Wii, I see DQIX breaking every single record held by any DQ game before it.

So, after 2 years with ALL the consoles on the market, I think it's clear as to where SE is aiming. Portables are their highest priority, with DS ahead of the PSP. Home consoles come next with PS3 being on par with the 360, and lastly the Wii. I honestly can't see this changing, after 2 years they have probable made their decisions. They had enough time to analyse the market, and they obviously made up their minds already.

Last point, after Q1 09 their only upcoming games for Nintendo systems will be DQVI, Blood of Bahamut for the DS and FFCC:CB for the Wii.

I will be doing more threads for the rest of the big companies.

Previous Editions: Konami Edition, Capcom Edition

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

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Does this mean SE will die or something?

Other than that, I've never like SE or Final Fantasy, call me weird but I just don't like RPG's very much.. Good luck to them!


God i wish SE would at least try to put a big game on the Wii. FF:CB should have came out already.

And wow at DS. It has too TOO many good games on it now. The PSP also gets its fair share of games as well, which is good.

Proud member of the Fierce Fox Force.


"I strike spurs onto my Wii controller. And against Sony and MS I fling myself,
unvanquished and unyielding. 'O Wii!!!"

-The Nintendian Philosophy

Basicly speaking, Square Enix LOVES the portables AKA the DS and the PSP close to it.

And they consider both the PS3 and the 360 important for the more "Epic" Titles.

And the wii gets the shaft.

Alrighty then, got it! lol, gee tres of all the gaming devs you start with you have to start with the anti-wii company :P.

tres, how do you define "major" and "medium" games here, in this case? By quality or sales?

Around the Network

SE hates the Wii. That's like hating money.

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Basicly speaking, Square Enix LOVES the portables AKA the DS and the PSP close to it.

And they consider both the PS3 and the 360 important for the more "Epic" Titles.

And the wii gets the shaft.

Alrighty then, got it! lol, gee tres of all the gaming devs you start with you have to start with the anti-wii company :P.

Sst before you know he makes an about Ubisoft.


bring on Rapture!! gimme gimme gimme!

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

I hope Rapture's gonna be based on the Blondie song. Fab Five Freddie hopes so too.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

This is the most spread out Square have ever been.