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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii will not make 50% marketshare this year :(

Below is a post I made another thread about end of year predictions. It states all I need for this thread. Basically Wii needs to sell 46m to break the 50% barrier and that has to seen as unlikely now.


Below is my WW predictions.

*2007 date range = 13th of Oct to 5th of Jan. Using:

**My prediction would be through week of 4th of Jan 2009.


2007* = 4,002,066 sold.
As of Oct 11th = 15.90m sold.

2009** without any increase in YoY = 19,902,066 sold.
2009** with 5% increase in YoY = 20,102,169 sold.
2009** with 10% increase in YoY = 20,302,272 sold.
2009** with 20% increase in YoY = 20,702,479 sold.
2009** with 40% increase in YoY = 21,502,892 sold.

So, basically Sony should sell about 20 million consoles by end of this year as I don't think they would possibly have more than a 10% increase on sales compared to last year. There are some better games this year, but there is no price drop. I bet they get about a 5-7% gain on YoY.


2007* = 3,769,945 sold.
As of Oct 11th = 21.44m sold.

2009** without any increase in YoY = 25,209,945 sold.
2009** with 5% increase in YoY = 25,398,442 sold.
2009** with 10% increase in YoY = 25,586,939 sold.
2009** with 20% increase in YoY = 25,963,934 sold.
2009** with 40% increase in YoY = 26,717,923 sold.

Even with the 360 discount and a solid game release, it would still be highly unlikely to see greater than a 20% increase in YoY sales. So I would peg 25m as my prediction.


2007* = 7,030,839 sold.
As of Oct 11th = 33.41m sold.

2009** without any increase in YoY = 40,440,839 sold.
2009** with 5% increase in YoY = 40,792,380 sold.
2009** with 10% increase in YoY = 41,143,922 sold.
2009** with 20% increase in YoY = 41,847,006 sold.
2009** with 40% increase in YoY = 43,253,174 sold.

Keeping in mind that NoA stated that Nintendo will have 50% more supply this year as compared to last. Most of us have taken that to only mean NA supply and not WW, so WW would probably be guaranteed 20-30% increase in YoY if demand still meets supply as it did last year.

With that I would peg Wii at around 42m by years end. Throughout this year I have pegged it at 45m, so it is now a little lower than my expectations, however, IF I was wrong and the 50% increase is actually WW not just NA it will definitely be over 45m.



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Nope, it won't. It'll be like at 49.5 or something. 360 should be at 26, 26.5 PS3 should be somewhere between 20 - 21.5, and Wii should be 45 million on the dot.

So it should miss the mark by at least 1 million, but at most, 2.5 million.

Funny considering I had been saying that since about early 2008 haha. Oh well people believe what they want I suppose.

I hope that Wii will never get 50%. Im a fan of improved graphiced capable consoles :)

Errrrr..... I never thought it would this year..... Am still thinking if it would next year......

4 ≈ One

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oliminator1994 said:
I hope that Wii will never get 50%. Im a fan of improved graphiced capable consoles :)


Congradulations.  I'm sure you and shallow opinions will get you far in life.  now what does this have to do with the 50% markethshare predictions.

Dgc1808 said:
Errrrr..... I never thought it would this year..... Am still thinking if it would next year......

Next year without a doubt. Even on slow weeks Wii has been selling more than PS360 combined. Its just a matter of when, not if.

superchunk said:
Dgc1808 said:
Errrrr..... I never thought it would this year..... Am still thinking if it would next year......

Next year without a doubt. Even on slow weeks Wii has been selling more than PS360 combined. Its just a matter of when, not if.


But... but... what about improved graphiced capable consoles?

Signature goes here!

You forget one variable, a terrible christmas for the HD gaming. I'm not telling it will happen but who knows.

Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

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